"Dad, I can take care of myself. Please, don't always ask the guys to accompany me! I need my own time alone!" I said while walking past him and ran outside. I was walking aimlessly on the road.

This is what happen when I see Jackson. He will mess up my brain and heart, and sometimes, I would do something stupid. The last time I did was getting grounded for dancing in the club and drinking.

"Uncle already told you not to went out." Chanyeol was leaning against a wall and I walk past him.

"Do you know that there are a few demons wanting human blood here?" Chanyeol said but I just ignore him by walking past him.

"Kim Chaeyoung, you can't get rid of me.." Chanyeol said and I groan. What an annoying ass.

"You ARE the annoying ass." Chanyeol said and winked.

"What do you want, Chanyeol? Leave me alone." I said while standing in the middle of the street. I know that he is somewhere here, using his demons tactics.

"I want you." Chanyeol whispered and I shake my head.

"I have no time for jokes Chanyeol." I said seriously and I can feel Chanyeol right behind me.

"But what if it is true? What if it is not a joke at all?" Chanyeol said while teleporting. I stood there, really mad, confused.

"Forget about Jackson, Chae." Chanyeol stand infront of me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Aish! You are so clueless!" Chanyeol exploded and I glare at him.

"Why are you getting so mad about?!" I argued back and Chanyeol messed his hair up.

Chanyeol just glared at me and I glared at him back. Basically, both of us had staring contest and the one who broke the eye contact was Chanyeol. He blinks and suddently, he hugs me, shoving my head to his chest. The atmosphere change and when Chanyeol release the hug, we are at a different place.

"W-where are we?" I said while looking around. The place is dark but there were fairy lights and there is a table for two. What is he doing?

"Chaeyoung, why are you so clueless?" Chanyeol whispered. I stood there, dumbfounded by his question.

"How should I know? I was born like this. Imperfect." I whispered the last word and I feel cold hands touching my cheek.

"But I think you are perfect. Really perfect that it made other people fall for you." Chanyeol said while looking at my eyes. Cheesy. Chanyeol sigh and looks at me, longily.

"I- I have feelings for you, Chaeyoung. Since when we were in diapers." Chanyeol paused. I just stood there, looking awkwardly. Well, I don't know what to do!

"When you step into this house, I can sense and smell you. I was the first one to see you. Do you remember the cold sensation you felt when Father toured you the living room?" Chanyeol asked and I tried to remember. Oh! Now I remember! So he was the one who walked or I guess, run past me.

"Yes. I actually smelled your hair to check if it was you and it is. You would always use vanilla scented perfume and strawberry scent shampoo." Chanyeol stated and I widen my eyes.

"I felt really angry when I knew about your break-up with Jackson. I nearly punch him when Suho and Xiumin stop me." Chanyeol continued. I stood there listening to him.

"I don't know if you still have feelings for Jackson but, I just want to tell you that he does'nt desrve you. Please let me the one who will give you the love. I will protect you at any cause. Please, Chaeyoung. Give me a chance." Chanyeol begged and I blinked at him. He confessed to him. I smirk and Chanyeol's face change.

"Who said... that I have feelings for Jackson?" I said while smiling at Chanyeol who had a big smile. Chanyeol then grabs my cheeks and squeeze them. He looks at me lovingly and kiss me pationately. Chanyeol then hugs me tightly.

"I love you so much, Chaeyoung." Chanyeol said and I hugged him back.

"I love you too, Chanyeol." I said and Chanyeol breaks the hug.

"There's one more thing, I have to mark you." Chanyeol said and I gasp. What is he going to do to me? Is he going to have sex with me to mark me? Omg. Chanyeol seems to read my mind and smirk. I gulp.

"Is that what you want? Well we can do that." Chanyeol smirks and I roll me eyes.

"I'm just kidding! I have to give you a bite or a hickey. May I?" Chanyeol said and I nodded, hesitating, while rolling my sleeves, handing me my wrist. Chanyeol takes my hand and bring it close to his mouth.

"I promise it won't hurt." Chanyeol said while showing his fangs. I can feel his teeth on my own skin. I close my eyes but I don't feel anything. Chanyeol looks at my wrist and I look at it too. It was a phoenix. It's glowing too.

"Urm.. Why is it glowing?" I asked while pointing at my own wrist.

"Because you are mine and I am having a physical contact with you. Also, when I am weak, I can regain my strength by touching you. I mean just like holding hands and stuff." Chanyeol said and I sigh in relief.

"Well actually, intercourse is even better! My powers will be stronger and better!" Chanyeol grins cheekily and I smack his head. Chanyeol pouted and I laugh at him. Chanyeol then looks at the table.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Chanyeol asked and I nodded.

"Sure. When?" I asked.



"Yeah. Right here. Right now." Chanyeol said while grabbing my hand. I was already seated and the chair. Chanyeol looks at me while leaning his hand on his hand.

"Tell me everything about you. Its been years and we have not seen each other." Chanyeol said while staring at me.


Happy New Year! I hope this year will be full of adventure ❤️ and I wish the k-idols to have more relaxing days and to be more healthy. ☺️💙❤️

the demon's heart // exo chanyeol [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now