§~{ CHAPTER 14 }~§

Start from the beginning

"Like come on, Max, it's time to go." Phoebe grabs my hand and suddenly we are flying out of my room. I gasp and look at Past Phoebe.


"WE'RE GONNA VISIT YOUR PAST!" Phoebe takes my hand and blows her gum.

[upbeat christmas music]
"SPIRIT, I believe I know this place."

"Duh! Its your old house Max in Metroburg and look, you and Phoebe with your parents when you were just little babies."

"That's me! (Baby Max throwing up all over Barb and Hank) I still had that villainish charm."

"Duh! Like that was totally before you became like a total hater and like miserable miser, consumed by Christmas hate."

"Well, Nobody's Perfect." I look at Past Phoebe and smile devilishly at the past self I've come to be.

"Let's totally go to another place!" Phoebe grabs my hand and teleports me to another place in time.

"Do you like totally remember this day?"

"How could I forget, this was when Emma took me around Hiddenville when we first started going out. It was the most fun I've ever shared with her on Christmas... Before I started hating Christmas and her ever since she broke my heart. 

"Remember, Max, you totally fashioned these memories yourself..."


[police sirens]Why was I so foolish? Why, why? Oh, wha... What's this?" I open my eyes and look around my room. Dr. Colosso still sleeping like an angel and Phoebe dressed up like a Christmas Present standing in my room... Phoebe dressed up like a Christmas Present!!! Oh no!

"UHH UHH UHH! PLEASE! Don't hit me with the bat."

"Get up silly, than THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT---THAT'S ME, Phoebe, don't have to hit a distasteful grinch like you?" Phoebe asks, looking at me as I sit on my bed.

"Where did all this come from?" I was shocked at Phoebe's words. It touched my heart a little.

"It's the kindness of generosity, which you have long denied Max from your family and girlfriend."

"GENEROSITY? HA! Nobody, not even my family has ever shown me generosity!"

"Not even Emma?" I look at Phoebe and suddenly became sad all of a sudden when I hear her mention Emma.

"No." What did I just say? Emma has always shown me generosity even when I'm too much of a butthead to pay attention. I'm so stupid!

"There are some who still find enough warmth in their hearts even for the likes of you, Max."

"HUH! No acquaintance of mine, I assure ya."

"Not even Emma?"

"Why did you bring me to the place that once broke my heart?" I turn away from Phoebe and begin to cry.

"I wanted to show you what really happened during that day before you left." I look at Phoebe and wipe my tears. Phoebe grabs my hand and teleports me inside the mall where I first saw Emma cheating on me with Evan.

I watch Emma as she makes her way out of the store I was in early where I got her necklace for her heart shaped locket. She ran out of the store crying. I wanted to run up to her and hold her in my arms and tell her everything's all right but I couldn't and she wouldn't know I was even there. I watch her as she runs to the food court where I last saw her and Evan together. Phoebe and I step closer and listen to the conversation.

Don't Be A Hero ~{Max Thunderman ~Jack Griffo~FanFiction}~Where stories live. Discover now