Chapter Two- Close Encounters with the Annoying Kind

Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" I snapped, trying to get away and keep a hard edge.

"I want you to come back to the helicarrier with me," He said sternly.


"Because I want to give you skittles," He replied sarcastically.

"I'm allergic."

"To happiness?!?!"

"No, to guys in metal suits." He scoffed at this, letting go of my ankle.

I fell through the air, unable to regain my balance and fly. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the oncoming ground.

This is it, I thought. You fall to your death all because of Iron Nuisence. Suddenly, I was no longer falling. Opening my eyes, I realized I was in Iron Man's arms.

"Oh great, the Iron Nuisence," I groaned, stealing consience's joke.

"You are not very good at this whole flying thing," He sassed.

"Give me a break, I've been able to for like 10 minutes," I admitted.

"10 minutes?"


"What were you doing?"

"Curing a Geanie Pig."


"My Dad's a scientist. He takes me to work with him and I do my experements."

"And you thought it was a good idea to inject yourself?"

"NO! That'd be stupid! I dropped my vials, and I got cut on the glass. Some of the stuff got on me and into my blood stream."

We arrived at the helicarrier a minute later, to my dismay. Iron Man just walked forward, his armor being taken off piece by piece by equipment I didn't recognize.

This is it! I'm finally going to know for sure who Iron Man is! His helmet came off, and it was....

"Anthony Stark?!?!?" I gasped, not believing what I was seeing.

"Yeah, but it's Tony. Seriously, you sound like Loki," He smirked.

Loki... I've heard that before. Where? Wait... Steven! That's his real name, isn't it? He was the one who attacked New York! How did I forget that! It was all over the news! I left my dad with him... HOW COULD I?!?!?

"Y-you know Loki? Is he here?" I asked nervously, my stutter from when I was younger creeping in. Dang, I thought I got rid of that!

"Yeah, but he's not here. How do you know him?" He looked at me curiously. I ignored his question, kicking off the ground to take flight. I got up about 7 feet, but I got shaky and fell.

"I've gotta go find my dad. How could I have been so selfish?" I yelled, trying again. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get into the air again. I was grounded. Litterally.

"Kid, calm down. Where is he? What happened?" Tony asked, helping me up.

"When I first got my powers, it was because this guy had freaked me out, making me not pay attention to what I was doing. That's when I dropped the vials, and I passed out. When I woke up, I had my powers, my dad and all of the scientists were in some kind of trance, and the guy had this weird scepter and horns..." I told him nervously.

His face went pale, and he scooped me up, running inside.

"TONY! Put me down!" I squirmed, and he put me down. He proceeded down the hall, and I ran after him. "Fury, we've got a problem!" He annouced, arriving in the main room.

"What is it now Stark? Was it the girl?" The man with the eye patch, probably Fury, replied.

I was hid behind the corner, listening in. As I tried to get a better look, I saw someone looking in my direction. I hid again, unsure if they saw me.

"No. It was Loki." I could litterally feel the tension.

"Clint, what's wrong?" A woman's voice asked.

Clint, I assumed, stuck his head around the corner, catching me red handed. I noticed he was holding a high tech bow with a quiver of arrows.

He looked angry for a moment, but his face softened.

"Hi," He said kindly.

"Hi..." I replied, backing up.

"Don't worry, I'm friendly," He tried to assure me.

I cautiously eyed the bow.

"Oh, this? I won't use it, I swear," He put the bow and the quiver down. "I'm Clint. What's your name?"


"Well, Lyla, it looked like you hit that window pretty hard. You okay?" He sounded sincre when he asked, so I trusted him.

"No. I'm okay. Thanks anyways," I smiled.

"We need you to come into the other room and tell us exactly what you saw, okay?"

I nodded shyly, and we walked into the other room.

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