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Austin saw a big pink slice of watermelon whirling his way and you had thrown it. He dodged it and ran towards the door. You threw another slice right at the door to remind him of your amazing aim.

He ran out the door and tried to hide but you found him and smashed a whole piece of watermelon into his face then have him a big kiss on the lips.

"Y/N You are so gonna pay for that one." He giggled. You laughed "uh-oh." You tried to run but he grabbed you and tackled you to the ground and tickled you. You laughed so hard and he did too. After the tickle sesh you were too out of breath to move. Austin lay in the grass next to you and looked at you with that big smile thay gave you butterflies.

He rolled of onto his side and kissed you on the cheek, then got up to carry you bridal style into the room. He put you on the bed and kissed you on the lips.
"You taste like watermelon." You giggled.
"You sound drunk." He said
"I'm drunk on tired. You run really fast. Good thing your a bad hider."

He kissed you again and again, then you said that you were hungry. HHe giggled and said. "Good thing I taste like your favourite food." And kept kissing you.

Imagine Me and You-interracial preferences Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now