Chapter One- The Accident

Start from the beginning

"Why exactly do I have to come again?" I sassed, slipping on my converse.

"Because, I can't leave you home alone," He replied grumpily.

We got in the car and drove the way in silence while I played with my necklace.

Then, I was a normal teenager. I had dirt brown hair and the posture of a pack mule. I really wasn't that special.

Once we arrived, I hopped out of the car and ran into the building to do what I usually did.

Things I wasn't supposed to.

I put on a lab coat (it's actually required for safety reasons. Which makes no sense. Because obviously, a thin coat of cotton is going to keep you from spontaneously combusting.) and walked over to my table in the very back. I picked up my test sample, a small Guinea pig. He had a large tumor on the side of his head, and I'd been trying to cure it for several days now.

"Hello again, Rory. Want some food?" I cooed, giving him some food pellets I had injected with my latest concoction: liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, elementanium, and some other stuff.

While he ate, I organized my back up samples of my experiments. I seperated the four of the most recent from the other 6, placing them onto the top shelf that was only slightly taller than I. For a 14 year old, I was a bit of a prodigy at science, especially biology and chem. Since both of my parents were scientists, it didn't surprise me. I rubbed the turmorus rodent's head, noticing the shrinking bump.

"Oh yay! Do you wanna see Amy now? Maybe you can have a little baby Melody?" I cooed, putting Rory in his artificial habitat with his lady rodent Amy.

Yes I'm a Whovian. Got a problem with that? I will throw bananas at you.

"Nice," a stranger complimented. I looked up from the guinea pigs, coming face to face with a man, probably in his late 20's. His eyes were a cold blue that went well with his black-as-night hair. He would've been handsome, if he wasn't intimidating and scary.

"Thanks," I replied shyly. He walked away, leaving me to my work.

Studying him curiously, I bumped into the shelf, managing to tangle my necklace the shelf.

"No, no, no!" I whispered, pulling at the old chain frantically to get in uncaught.

I pulled once more, and the necklace snapped, sending vials flying in my direction.

They broke, realising their contents all over me. I tried to collect the glass and find out what was lost, but I cut my arm on the glass. Some of the chemicals soaked into it, and I immediately winced.

Number one rule of the lab: Never let any of your experiments get into your body.

I felt an awful pounding in my head, and the room started to spin. I tried to get over to the sink to wash out the gash, but I fell hard on the ground, hitting my head. In other words, I blacked out.


Opening my eyes, I noticed I was in a different room. Looking around, I realized it was one of the rooms for the test subjects.

No, my dad did not work at Aperature Science.

Is that how you spell it?

Anywho, I was slightly nervous I was being tested on by a certain diabolical robotic woman. Getting up off the ground, I felt different. Not bad different, powerful different. I groaned, rubbing my back, and standing. I looked around, noticing there was nothing but a door and a small window in the entire room.

Walking over to the door, I found it was locked. Which was weird, seeing that there was no reason it should be locked, since there wasn't any quarantines going on at the time.

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