E X T R A S --- Graduation ---

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Hello people <3

Long time no see, huh?

Well, I missed you too. I've been missing this story too, a lot. And so I thought, why not right some extras for the book?
What I've decided is to write some adventures of June's life after she starts dating Zayd. It'll be no big book with many chapters, no! It'll be just a few chapters attached in this book itself. I hope you like the idea and will enjoy their adventures.

Because her life story is too cliché and dramatic to end.
And because we haven't read too many Zayd and June's romantic moments.

So here it goes...


~~~ June's POV ~~~

I brushed the non-existent dust off my black dress and took a deep breathe.

I could do this...

I was at that point of life where it just changes. For every teenager, their graduation is the happiest moment of life yet the most tragic. I couldn't imagine my life without this school and those cranky teachers and strict rules. They were a part of life now. Now that it's ending, I feel kind of lost.

What would I ever do without my same old schedule?

Finding it boring was my routine, yes. But now I know I will even miss that boring routine. Dang it!
I heard the car horn and my legs felt like jelly.

"Pussy!" I muttered to myself and walked towards the door.
"Mom! I'm leaving with Zayd. Will wait for you, come soon." I shouted out to mom before closing the door and seeing Zayd leaning on his car. It was like, his regular thing. The different thing today was that he was in formals for the graduation ceremony.

When I saw his face all amused, I couldn't help but frown in confusion.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I spat out, and opened the car door myself leaving him stunned.

"Yes, there is something." He said and walked over to the driver seat.

"What?" I asked when he settled down. I touched my face and started looking at it in the mirror.

"There's worry painted all over your face, Pandy. How could I not notice it?" He exclaimed, making me frown even more.

"I don't know what to feel. I'm a mess!" I waved my hands dramatically at myself and screamed.

"I know exactly what you want." Winking, he said. His signature smirk on his face.
He started driving while I kept asking him what the hell was he talking about. He didn't even answer once!
And ladies and gentlemen, my boyfriend so smoothly ignores me.

We stopped at 'Bites outa bunch' and my face immediately formed a grin. I clapped my hands like a two year old and told him "And that's why you're my boyfriend. Get me some ice cream now, super fast."
Folding my arms on my chest, I demanded.

"I don't know who'll be the kid after we have kids." Shaking his head and muttering this, he left me alone in the car.
My cheeks stained red at the thought of having kids with him.

Well, now that I think about it, our kids will be pretty awesome. Both our looks, cocky personalities, my smart brain, his chocolate eyes and our crazy selves would make great kids. I smiled at the thought of them, and also at the ice cream.

"Anything else, madame?" Zayd asked, handling me my ice cream.

"Shut up!" I grumbled and attacked my ice cream cone.

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