Chapter ten.

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I felt kind of annoyed when Zayd said I will be going with him now. But I still had a happy feeling deep inside that I am with him.
So I examined his expressions for some time, and then rolled my eyes.
I wanted it to look like I don't want to go with him but with James.

"And why do you think I will agree to go with you?" I smirked and questioned him.

"Because James is not anymore coming to pick you up." He said as he walked in my house like its owner, pushing me in the process.

"What? Why?" I screamed and turned around to see him.

He was sitting shamelessly on the couch. It was then I noticed, he wore a black shirt and dark trousers. His sleeves were folded up his arms and it made him so much sexier.
And his face, it had his signature smirk on.

"Because I didn't have a partner!" He pouted.

I couldn't help but laugh but I decided against it; as I had to concentrate on what he said.

"What about Tiana?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Um...she had to go to some cousin's place. Her aunt wasn't well." He shrugged.

Yeah, you're always his second option now.

Shut your fucking mouth up!!!

But.. That bitch in my head is right today.

"Fine, let's go..." I said and walked out of the door; waiting till he came out too.
Because, after all, I was his best friend and I promised him to count on me.
I hated breaking promises.
And I hated the people who broke my promises.

We both drove to James's party; his new home. It wasn't too far so it took only ten minutes to reach. In the car, he annoyed me showing random guys on the road. He would say "Look, that could be your perfect Prince charming!"

And this time my deathly stares didn't help at all. He laughed a lot after seeing my expressions.

We reached to the party when it was at its peak. James's bungalow was more like a mansion. It was even bigger than Zayd's. Even Zayd was wide eyed when he saw the house.
We parked the car where all the others were parked that is inside the boundary wall of his mansion.
We could hear music bursting through the huge speakers from even outside. I was totally a party person and so was Zayd. We were already grinning seeing the amazing party.

"Woah! I am too excited to go in." I said while getting out of the car; grinning and jumping.

Zayd got out and smirked at me.
"Just make sure bad boys keep their hands off you!" He said and we both held hands to walk to the entrance.

"YOU are the bad boy. Go away!" I playfully pushed him and he smacked my head.
I smacked his hip and he gave me a warning look.

I giggled at him.
Gosh! I was so glad we were back to normal.

We reached the entrance and walked in through the huge door. Seeing the scene of inside made me dance in joy.

It was a GRAND party!!!
A big room, which I guessed was the living room, was full of drunk people and their sweats. Music was really loud and everyone were dancing their asses on it. I recognized many people from school. They looked at me and greeted. Some girls drooled over my outfit and some swore that I looked bad! Jealous bitches!
But the girls' expressions changed to dreamy ones when they saw Zayden Parker behind me. Every girl was eyeing him and I rolled my eyes on this.
On the other hand, the guys were staring at me as if they want to rip off my clothes right here.

Falling For The Bad Boy  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora