Chapter Forty Three.

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With a scowl on my face, I unhappily served myself a bowl of yogurt and a ham and cheese sandwich. Banging the plate on the counter, I sat down and started eating.

"Behave, Miss Sullivan." Drake scolded.

"Oh no, I can't. It's Christmas and I'm up at six AM. And guess why?" I whisper shouted at him.
"Because a bloody idiot decided to wake me up for something so called "important". This better be really important, Drake!"

Saying this, I stuffed my mouth with one more bite of the delicious sandwich. They were, no doubt, yummy, and were making me feel better.

"At least I made you a special breakfast." He pouted and defended himself.

"Whatever! Mom anyway makes better sandwiches than you." I rolled my eyes.

"Then give me that back!" He stood up, faking anger.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed." I shrugged carelessly.

"No!" He came on my side with a frown.

"Why don't you wake Emma up and go with her wherever you want to go?" I whined, sitting on the stool again.

"Because she hates Zayd and won't care about his emotions."

My head snapped towards him. I couldn't understand why was he saying this.

"What had happened? Is he alright?" I asked, immediately.

"I don't think so." He shook his head and looked down.

"What the hell happened? He was fine till yesterday night!" I shouted.

"God! Relax!" He shouted back.
"It's just that he's alone."

"What do you mean he's alone? His parents are there with him." I said.

"No they aren't. They left for some important business issue two days ago. He's alone on Christmas." He told me with a sad voice.

My heart broke for him. That's why he was here last night. He never spent Christmas Eve alone. Even if his family was away, he always stayed with us for Christmas whole day and night.

But what's changed this year?


"So...what do you want me to do?" I softly asked, my voice shivering.

"Let's go to his place...and bring him here. He called me last night when he was drunk and said he was going to be alone at Christmas. I asked him to come to my place or visit yours, but he hung up the phone and since then, not picking it up. That's why I'm here at this time." I nodded in understanding as his really important reason was told to me.

"Okay, I'll do it. But the question is, I'll do it, HOW?" I glared at him, asking the question.

"Simple! Just kiss him." He shrugged saying this as if it was the most normal thing to do.

"Oh yeah." I sarcastically smiled and nodded. "That would be such a great idea."

He definitely noted the sarcasm in my voice because he started laughing his ass of at me.
I glared at him, waiting for his laughter to die.

"Okay, okay! Just go talk to him old times. Be his best friend, he needs you this time." He said; keeping both his hands on my both shoulders affectionately. I nodded and my head started spinning. I didn't know if I would be able to do this or not.

"So, let's go?" He asked me.

"Where are you guys going?" A sleepy voice made us look towards our right, where a confused and messy Emma stood with a frown on her face. Uh oh. I think she's just jealous.

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