Chapter five

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Tiana has changed so freaking much. I hated that girl now.
The inter school debating competition is next month and today we were preparing for that. We selected the people who were capable of making our team strong. Only two boys and two girls excluding me and Tiana were to be selected.
And you know what she did? She selected the students she liked. There were so many better than the students she selected. But she chose the one who were her friends. I argued about it to her and she had just shut me up by saying she was the captain and she was senior to me. I did not say much just because of Zayd.
Now I really wondered why Zayd chose her.

We were right now practicing for the competition. Our topic was: Are social networking sites effective, or are they just a sophisticated means for stalking people?

It was a strong topic and we needed strong points to win over it. We were on the side where it was effective. This was the first stage of inter-school. And we had to anyhow pass it.

The practice was going on and I was sitting at the corner bench writing the points I will speak. Tiana was on the stage with her other two girl friends that were seniors only. And the two boys were seated in the next corner of the auditorium. They were seniors too. Yeah, can you believe it? I was the only one from juniors.
I was very much annoyed.

"June! Your turn now!" Tiana called me on the stage.
I read my points once and walked to the stage. Tiana stared at my walking as I went up the stage.
I reached there and introduced myself first and then started with my points.

"The spread of social networking sites has changed every person’s ways of socializing and communicating with friends and acquaintances. Since the birth of social networking sites, it has given enormous benefits to the sphere, as it allows to keep in touch with anyone and to collaboration with others; even in different geographic areas." I started very softly and meaningfully; saying every word at a slow pace. I knew it makes an impression.
"Social networking has always been dominant at its beneficial side.  People on social networking sites share what interests them, such as news on current events. People who share those interests, or who just want to stay informed, can read these stories and share them as well. Eventually, these stories make their to users who may have never read them. Since stories are shared through "word of mouth," smaller news outlets such as blogs can get exposure, and social network users are overall connected to a larger pool of new information and opinion. This is how if we even don't have any other access to current events or news, we can get that easily with the help of social networking sites." I end the points I have written till now. I could write only this much because I use the kind of language in my points which can be dominant and stronger. We can easily win by it.

"That's it?" Tiana raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yeah. I was writing more when you called so..." I was telling her but she cut me off.

"So what? You're the vice captain that doesn't mean you can chill. I am working so hard and you? All you did is to write this much in half an hour?" She shouted. I was not liking the tone she was speaking in. But I had to control.

"Tiana, I got only fifteen minutes to write. I was helping both the girls first and then I sat down to write mine." I calmly said. I wanted her to calm down too.

"Oh, so you think you can write for everyone?"

"That's not what I said. They asked me for help and so I did." I couldn't control anymore. My tone became a little harsher.

"You think you're really smart, huh? You know I can...." She said but saw someone on my back and her sight fixed there only. Her mouth left open.
I turned and followed where her eyes were.

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