Chapter Twenty Nine.

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She was okay.

My mother was okay. She was fine. Absolutely alive and smiling in front on me.

The operation went successful. She was conscious and could talk to all of us. But the accident left her in a state that she couldn't walk for a few months. I was worried but more than that, glad to see her brightening smile again. The alive and energetic look of her face was back.
She lay on the same bed; with stretches; wearing a baby pink gown and a star smile.

She apologized for what now seemed like hundredth time. She was really sorry about her driving skills all the time actually. I was a much better driver than her. I scolded and warned her that I wouldn't let her drive anymore, but hugged her more. And off course, cried in her arms.
I couldn't afford to lose her.

Zayd was equally happy and Juliet was in a party mood. She distributed cup cakes in the whole hospital. Yeah that's right, cupcakes!
She loved them.
Maybe that's why Zayd called her cupcake sometimes.

Right now, I sat in her room; watching her taking her healthy meal. A nurse fed her and we talked continuously.

"We better appoint a driver for you when you get back to work. I don't want your irresponsibility again. I can't afford to go in that two day depression again." I glared at her; while scolding.

"Ah! This is fun. At least I wouldn't have to work for two or more months now." She spoke with mouthful of oats. "Besides, I'm sure Zayd took care of you while I wasn't here.." She shrugged.


She didn't know about what happened. But now I had to tell her. I could not keep her in the dark forever.

" Zayd and I-" I was saying more but a familiar voice said something which I didn't expect ever!

"We are going stronger as ever! And yes, off course I took care of my young Lady..." He entered the room in his play boyish manner and said; winking at me playfully.
I couldn't understand his sudden outburst of happiness.
What the hell was going through that naughty, evil, dirty yet sexy head of his'?

Mom grinned at us and he came close to me. Slowly, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek and my cheeks heated up. My eyes literally popped out and my jaw dropped to the floor as I glared at him.

What was he doing? Why was he lying to her?

I gave him an 'unbelievable' look and he just kept smirking.
Mom cleared her throat; mocking us and we both turned our heads to her then.

Zayd sat next to me; too close let me tell you.
He was badly messing with me.

First, that hug and then the cold behavior.
Second, the cuddling at night and the ignoring behavior in the morning.
Now, he kissed my cheek and was being all 'my young lady you are'. I wondered what his next act of hurting me will be.

I couldn't do it anymore. He was making me frustrated and stressed.

"So you two, I shouldn't see you two getting cozy in my house while I can't walk. Don't ever take advantage of that, alright?" Mom warned us, still amusement written all over her face.

I nodded; smiling cheekily. Just to show her, okay?

"Oh shit. That's not too good. But don't worry, we still have two more days at your home alone, Pandy. She'll get discharged on Saturday." He elbowed me naughtily and exclaimed.

My heart skipped a beat. It literally did, I swear.

He called me Pandy, almost after ten days. Gosh, it felt like hundreds.

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