Chapter two

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It was now the third day without Jordan. He was not coming to school. Since, the practice was off due to rain, I guess he took this opportunity to stay at home.
Worst thing? He didn't even call, text or inform me.
And I wasn't one of those girls who made the first move. Okay, call me mean. But now that's in my blood because of the popularity I gained over these years.
I didn't even know when in the first place I became popular. I think first it was because I dated Jordan - the stud of the school. Girls cursed me but at the same time when they saw me rising, they envied me. They copied my style, my clothes, my hairstyle. I hated it!
But as time flew, I got used to it.
I was glad at least I was not a loner.
I had the entire female population again making me their ideal when I joined the debating club. I became it's captain because I spoke well and my confidence level made other people widen their eyes in shock. I was continuously the captain for two years and this was the third year I was going to give audition for that.
I was so sure I will be the captain this year too.
Reminding myself, I sat in the literature class and waited for other students and the teacher. Today was the day of auditions.
I pushed Jordan's thoughts away and tried to concentrate on the debating team's auditions.

After a few minutes, I saw other lit students enter the class with smiles and excitement.
Many girls came and surrounded me.

"June! All the best. We know you'll be the captain this year too..." A girl named Pearl said.
I smiled. People believed in me. This made me even more confident about myself.

"Thank you Pearl. This means a lot." I replied with the same enthusiasm she used.

And then they all were muttering to each other about how sweet of me that I was popular but still chose to stay normal.
Well, I liked it that way only.

If you become popular and mean, people will hate you. And what will be the use of it then?

My thoughts were interrupted by our literature teacher - Mr Kyle. He was in his late forties and wore big goofy glasses. I can bet he was a geek in his school life.

"Students, line up. We're going to the debating room." He ordered us.
We all stood in queue.
I stood the first, I always considered standing first when it came to debating.
I simply loved this. It was totally my cup of tea.

We moved our feets to the debating room. Actually, it was more like an auditorium. Too huge with a stage and seats.
Then our other literature teacher- Miss Joannes announced that the participants should sit in the first row and the others at the back.
I knew this rule perfectly well. It was like a ritual from two years.

I sat in the first row with fingers crossed.
What? I can be nervous too, you know.

The Audi filled with more students of senior year. We, the juniors were mostly bullied by our seniors. But I was the one to not fall in their traps. I chose to stand for what I liked and that's why, senior girls didn't like me much.

With me, sat two girls and one boy of our batch. The rest were the seniors.

Students were making a lot of noise and chaos in just getting seated. So I stood up and looked around. It was a mess!
Seriously, get a grip, you're in high school people!

I was just going to sit again when I saw a figure struggling between people and waving at me. My mouth let out a laugh.
Zayd looked so funny there.

"Hey! Come over." I shouted between the crowd and he nodded.
And then finally he was walking towards me.
I wondered why was he coming here anyway?

"All the best!" He chimed in my ears as we hugged.

"Thank you! Thank you! I needed it." I grinned and answered. I was completely genuine in what I said.

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