Chapter Thirteen:

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Okay. Calling me weird was an understatement.
My subconscious must be literally laughing her ass out at me.
Because, I, June Sullivan: the most popular girl of my school (don't know how I got that tag) is making love equations on the back of my notebook.

That love square was eating my head. And in the library, when I sat in the insolent corner, I couldn't help but think about it more.
I tried to study for the history test, but it all ate me up.

So, here I am. The student who sucked at math was making equations.

Just when I was about to throw the paper I torn out of my notebook (which contained the unsolvable equation), I saw a familiar figure coming towards the shelf near my seat.

"FUCK!" I kept the paper in my skirt pocket and sat straight; looking down on the table in my history book.

I kept murmuring something unknown to even myself so that it would look like I was studying really hard.

"June? You here?" The voice finally called out. I made a disappointed face and mentally slapped myself.
Then, plastering a fake smile, I turned to him.

"James! Yeah, for the history test " I nodded and said as he came and sat down next to me.

"Um...not to be rude, but you're reading upside down?" He asked; looking down at the book.

Ah! Another weird act of yours, June.

"Um...I was. Not. Off course, not." I stuttered. "I was...memorizing the dates so I kept it that way so that I can't cheat while mentally repeating them. Its a good exercise of learning, you should try it. Definitely!" I said all of that at once and then breathed. In. Out. In. Out.

Then I sighed and smiled brightly.

All this while, James was laughing at me.


"You're a whole comedy show, you know that?" He says; wiping off his fake tears.

I couldn't help but remember once when Zayd said this. A smile curved on my lips and I grinned.

"Yeah...Zayd keeps saying that." I looked away.

I missed him. Really very much. I liked the frankness that was between us. Now it was vanished and other things came in between. I want the old best friends back with no kisses and attractiveness.
It was all killing me inside.

He was the only one who knew me!

"You okay miss popular?" James asked; I came out of my thoughts and nodded.

"So...I wanted to talk about something." He started.

Fuck. Is he going to ask me out right now?
If my ears are perfectly alright, they clearly heard him accepting in front of Tiana that he liked me really bad.
And if he's going to ask me out now, I will definitely act weird again and embarrass myself.
Screw that, I couldn't hurt him by saying no. Because I wasn't a bit interested to be with him that way.

"Go on," I said and crossed my fingers in my lap.

"Tiana is...God June how do I tell you?" He groaned in frustration and held his head.

"Just say!" I pressed. I now understood he wanted to tell me only about the debating room incident.
My fingers got free and less nervous.

"She likes me. And she said she wasn't interested in Zayd anymore. That's cheating! Do you think I should tell Zayden about it?" He asked.
Woah. This guy was a keeper. I could see his honest eyes. He was literally worried about Zayd.

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