Chapter three

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"We both were really confused about the captaincy." Mr kyle spoke in the microphone and sighed. "There are two students who deserve. But there can't be two captains. So we have made one captain and one vice captain." He smiled now.
Everyone was quiet and concentrating on just him.
I knew the two students were Tiana and I. But I didn't know who'll be the captain and who'll be the vice captain. It was tough.

"The vice captain is Miss june Sullivan and the captain is Miss Tiana Jones." They both announced and clapped in unison.

As soon as the results were announced, my heart shrunk.
Does that mean I will work under Tiana for whole one year?
Oh no please, don't do that to me!!!

"June, go get your batch." A girl nudged me and said.

"Yeah..." I stuttered and stood up.

Breathe in! Breathe out! Breathe in! Breathe out!
Yes, I'm totally fine.

Tiana and I walked to the stage and got our batches. The title her batch had, made me angry at everything.
It said: Captain of the Debating Club.

And mine said: Vice Captain of the Debating Club.

That Captain batch was mine from whole two years. I missed it so much now.

I didn't want to stay inferior to Tiana for the whole junior year.
God please help me?

As I looked at the smirking girl right beside me, she looked at me too and our eyes met.
She winked and shrugged as if showing me she was right!

Let it go, June. Just for Zayd, do it.

And so I did.
I forced my lips into a tight lipped smile and looked away.


Jordan was getting in my nerves seriously. Now it was the FIFTH day without him. I walked to my homeroom teacher and asked him about any leave application Jord left. But no, none!
I was so worried. I called him more than hundred times. Not even once he picked up! Every single time the call went on voice mail.
I sat at the last bench and rested my head on the table. It was music.
Since I had personal interests in music, I chose this. Not to forget, I am a great singer. Haha yes I am!

I texted Jordan: WHERE ARE YOU?

I was angry as fuck!

The school ended in a blur that day. I didn't even meet Zayd today. He was busy with his practice and in lunch, he was nowhere to be seen. Everyone said he was practicing hard. Its so unlike him. I knew he was not fine so I decided to call him once I reached home.

And when I reached home, I called him first.

"Yeah?" He said in his usual cold tone.

"Great. I hate you!" I said madly. He acted as if nothing happened.

"What is it Pandy?" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop calling me that. Where were you today?"

What a nick name he has got for me!

"Practice." He said.



"Since when?"

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