Chapter 9

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"Come on, Kensi! You can do it! Swim faster!" Nell yelled, as she sat on Callen's lap with her arm wrapped around his shoulder, as he stood in the water, watching Sam, Kensi and Deeks swimming as fast as they could to the other side of the lake and back.

"Come on, Sam! You got this! Don't hold back!" Callen yelled.

Natalie turned to Eric, and kissed him softly. "I may hate Deeks, but somebody's gotta vouch for him." Eric nodded, turning back to watch the three swimming viciously.

"Come on, Deeks! You can do it! Use your strength!" Natalie yelled. "If you have any." She muttered softly, so only Eric could hear.

Eric laughed, as Kensi finally swam back to the side of the lake where the others were encouraging them. She yelled out in joy as Sam swam up behind her, getting to the end boulder just seconds after her.

Deeks realised that he hadn't won, and stopped swimming, kicking his feet up and floating on his back on the water.

"Didn't think he had any strength." Natalie whispered to Eric, causing him to laugh.

Kensi swam over to Deeks, "Come on, Shaggy. I thought being a surfer would give you an advantage." She stated, as Deeks lifted himself up to look at Kensi.

"You're too good for me, Kens. You're like a sexy dolphin, swimming all sexy through the water." Deeks stated softly. Kensi smiled, punching Deeks in the shoulder.

"Ow! What the hell was that for? That was meant to be a compliment." Deeks whined.

Sam shook his head and laughed. "I feel like such a third wheel right now. Actually no, make that, I feel like such a seventh wheel right now."

"Oh, Sam. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to take your partner away from you." Nell stated, looking towards Sam.

Sam shook his head. "Don't be sorry, Nell. It's all good."

Nell sighed rather sadly, turning to Callen. "Babe, why don't you go spend some time with Sam? Maybe you guys could go fishing together or something? I don't want to be the reason you guys drift apart. I know that won't happen, but I just feel like I've taken you away from him. So, go take him down to the lake and do some fishing with him, or if you can think of anything else you guys can do, go ahead." Nell explained softly, into Callen's ear.

Callen shook his head. "Baby, you aren't taking me away from him. However, I think I am excluding him a little bit. I really don't want to leave you, but I think you're right. I think it would be a good idea if we had a little bit of partner bonding. I love you so much, Nell. Thank you." Callen stated.

"I love you too. Now go." Nell laughed, shoving Callen away.

Callen laughed, kissing Nell softly on the lips, before swimming over to Sam. "Hey, partner. What do you say we go do some fishing? Just the two of us. Nell insists I spend some time with you. She says she doesn't want to be the reason that we drift apart. Which I told her was crazy, because we're partners, but anyway. What do you say?"

Sam smiled slightly. "Yeah, alright. I guess we can do a little fishing. But not right now. I wanna get in another race with Kens. I'm sure I can beat her this time. After dinner tonight?" He suggested. Callen nodded.

"Sure. After dinner. I don't know how you plan on beating Kens, though. I swear she's like part mermaid or something." Callen replied, swimming back over to Nell.

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