Chapter 23

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"What do we have, guys?" Callen asked.

"Corporal Sargent Brad Weathers was killed early this morning. Until a few hours ago, his death was classed as suicide, but the forensic reports just came in and there is evidence that Weathers was not alone when the incident occurred."  Eric explained.

"Now, coincidentally, cameras in the area were taken down for mandatory system repairs, so unfortunately, we have no security cam footage." Nell continued.

"Hetty wants the two of you to check out the crime scene. The addresses are on your phones." Eric spoke, gesturing to Sam and Callen, who nodded and walked out of ops.

"The Sargent's wife, Nicole Weathers is waiting for the two of you at her house. I'm sending you the address now." Nell informed, turning to Kensi and Deeks.

"On it." Kensi spoke.

"Done." Deeks added, walking out of ops with Kensi.

"Are you okay, Nell? I mean, that bruise on your face is looking even worse today." Eric commented, once they were alone.

Nell nodded, "Yeah. I'm alright."

Eric smiled and nodded, "Okay."

"Yo, G? What gives?" Sam asked, turning to Callen briefly, before turning his attention back to the road.

"What do you mean?" Callen asked in return, turning to look at Sam.

Sam sighed, "You've been staring out that window for the whole car ride and you haven't said a word."

"I'm fine, Sam. I'm just worried."

"About what? Nell?"

"Just forget it." Callen replied, unbuckling his seat belt, opening the car door and getting out, once Sam parked the car at the crime scene.

"G? Seriously, what's going on with you? If this is about Nell, I'm sure she's going to be okay."

"We need to focus on the case. Just forget about it, okay?"

Sam sighed, as he got out of the car and followed Callen to crime scene.

"Hi, I'm Special Agent G Callen and this is my partner Special Agent Sam Hanna. What can you tell us about the victim?" Callen asked, walking up to the LAPD detective that was looking after the crime scene.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Detective Richards. Not much, really. As soon as we identified his as Navy, we called you guys." The man spoke.

"Right. Well, thank you for your time, Detective." Sam replied.

After the detective left, Sam and and Callen started investigating.

Callen walked up to the body and looked through the Sargent's pockets, pulling out a phone from one of them and a wallet from the other.

"We have a phone and a wallet. The phone is smashed, but we should get it back to ops and let Eric have a look." He stated.

Sam nodded, "Yeah, okay. Well, there's nothing else we can do here. The crime scene is pretty clean. Are there any credit cards or anything in his wallet?"

Callen opened the wallet and nodded, "Yeah. I'll call Nell and tell her to start looking at the records."

Callen pulled out his phone and dialled Nell's number, "Nell, hey, it's Callen. I'm sending you the Sargent's credit card details. Can you have a look through his records and see if anything stands out."

"Yeah, I'll let you know if I find anything." Nell replied.

"Cool, thanks. Well, we're heading back now. Oh and can you tell Eric that we have a phone that he will need to have a look at when we get back?"

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