Chapter 28

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"Nell? Are you okay?" Sam asked, turning to Nell, as they drove to the crime scene.

Nell nodded, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Nell, trust me, it's okay to feel down or upset. You just said goodbye to your father and your boyfriend wasn't there for you when you needed him. You don't have to pretend that you're okay around me." Sam spoke.

"Sam, I'm fine. Honestly. It's not Callen's fault. I understand. He has finally met his dad, after all of these years, wondering where he was or even if he was alive. Just because I may be his girlfriend now, that doesn't mean he should have to drop everything for me, just so he could be there to support me in doing something that was incredibly hard and difficult for me."

"You're being very understanding with this. Are you telling me that you aren't even the slightest bit mad at G for not showing up?"

"Mad? No. Disappointed? Maybe. But like I said, he has a completely understandable reason. To be honest with you, Sam? I don't even know how what this whole thing with Callen is. I mean, yeah I love him and unless he has been lying to me, he loves me. But I don't know how this is going to work. I don't even know if Callen wants it to work."

"Of course G wants it to work. The question is, do you want it to work? Because unless both of you want it to work, it's not going to work." Sam commented.

"Of course I want it to work. Callen is the best thing that has ever happened to me. But even though I understand why he wasn't there for me when I needed him, but I can't deal with being let down again. Wait, why am I even telling you this? You probably don't care about anything I've just told you."

"Of course I care about what you're saying. I wouldn't have asked you, if I didn't care. Not only is G my partner, best friend and is like a brother to me, you are one of my good friends too, Nell. Of course I care about what happens with you and G."

"Thanks, Sam." Nell stated, getting out of the car, once Sam had parked.

"Sam, come and look at this." Nell spoke.

Sam walked over to Nell and frowned. "Direct sight from that café." He commented.

"Exactly." Nell confirmed.

"Call Eric and tell him to look for security footage from outside of the café. I'm going to go and speak to the manager and find out what I can." Sam spoke.

Nell nodded, pulling out her phone and called Eric, while Sam walked over to the café.

By the time Sam got back, Nell was off the phone and waiting by the challenger for Sam.

"The manager says they closed at around six pm. He got to work this morning and the back door was picked and the lock was broken. Inside security cameras were conveniently down for maintenance." Sam explained.

"I'm sure Eric and I could do something to fix that. Might take some time, but it's not the first time a camera has been down in maintenance. I'm sure I could do something to fix that. Maybe." Nell spoke.

"Yeah, okay. Let's get back to ops and see what we can do. Well, see what you and Eric can do, while I stand around and watch. Or wait. Because that makes me sound like a pervert." Sam replied.

"It's okay, you don't sound like a pervert. Although, you do sound like Deeks, and that's kind of the same thing." Nell laughed.

Sam chuckled, getting into his car.

They got back to ops and walked inside, noticing that Kensi and Deeks were already there.

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