Chapter 6

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"I do. I want us to be together, Callen. But right now, my mind is just not in the right headspace. It literally feels like, someone has taken my brain and placed it inside my stomach or something.... I'm sorry guys, I...I...I don't know what to do anymore. But being here with you guys, it makes this situation a whole lot easier. So, thank you guys." Nell spoke softly.

The team smiled. "Anytime, Nell. Now what would you like to do? We could go up and get our fishing gear and do some night fishing, if you're up to it? Might help you feel better." Sam suggested.

Nell nodded, "Yeah, okay." She agreed, still sounding rather sad. But that's totally understandable considering the news she had just found out.

They all walked back up to the campsite, as Callen picked up his and Nell's fishing gear. "Ohh, we left you guys some food on the table over there, by the way." Sam called, as he was picking up his own fishing gear. He had brought two rods with him. One he kept for himself and the other one, he handed to Kensi. Deeks had brought his own and Eric had already said that he wanted to finish his game of minecraft, which he was playing previously.

Nell stood there, looking at the tree which she had carved her name into when she was younger. She had small tears pouring down her face, as she thought of her dad. Callen looked over at her and instantly dropped the fishing gear.

He walked over to her and took her hand in his, pulling her towards him. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I know this is hard, but you just gotta stay strong for me, okay. We're going to get through this. It's going to be okay." Callen spoke, as he held Nell close.

The rest of the team had stopped what they were doing and were looking at the new couple, with smiles on their faces.

Nell cried into Callen's shoulder. "I can't believe he's actually gone. I feel terrible. He asked me to go with him to see a musical the other day, but I turned him down because I was performing with my friends at a charity event. I should have gone with him, but I cared more about performing than my own father. What does that say about me?"

"Nell, you shouldn't feel guilty. This isn't your fault. You couldn't have know that this was going to happen. And this doesn't say anything about you, Nell. You are an amazing women and I love you." Callen stated, causing Nell to instantly pull back and look at him in the eye.

" what?"

Callen smiled, "I love you, Nell. I have, since the first day we met." Nell smiled back slightly, "I love you too, Callen."

"Come on, we should grab something to eat before we go back down to the lake. And no arguments. You're eating something. Even if it is just a small burger. You have to eat something." Callen commented. Nell sighed, following Callen to the table that Sam had put their food on.

Nell grabbed a burger and took a bite, while Callen got a sausage and ate it in less than thirty seconds. Once Nell finished her burger and Callen was satisfied that she had at least eaten something, the team headed back down to the lake.

They all through their lines in the water, and everyone apart from Callen was shocked when they saw how far Nell could cast.

Callen sat down and Nell sat in-between his legs, resting her head against Callen's chest, as Callen wrapped his arms around Nell's stomach, kissing her on her head. It was quiet for a little while. Well, that is if you ignore Deeks' constant talking. By this stage, he had named all the different types of fish that he new the name of. Almost boring Kensi to death, in the process.

In Love With A Wonder TwinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin