Chapter 14

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Sam, Callen, Eric and Deeks had managed to get all three of the kayaks in the water, and Eric was already sitting in his and Sam's.

"Um, Eric, little piece of advice, I think you should let Sam get in first. These kayaks aren't exactly known for being completely stable." Nell suggested.

Eric shook his head, "Nah, it'll be fine."

Nell shook her head and sighed, "Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you."

Callen looked towards Nell and took her hand, "Come on, beautiful. You ready to win this race?" He asked, stepping into the kayak and sitting down, holding Nell's hand as she sat down in between his legs.

Deeks got in his kayak, holding out his hand to stable Kensi as she got in and sat in front of him. "We are going to win, right Fern?" Deeks asked.

Kensi turned her head around to glare at him, "Yes, we are. But we won't be wining if you call me Fern one more time. It will just be me wining then, because I will have pushed you off into the water."

Their attention was soon turned to Sam and Eric, when Sam went to sit down, Eric was flipped out of the kayak and into the water, leaving him scrambling around in the water, trying to get up for air.

Eric finally managed to get back into the kayak, with the help of Sam. Everyone else, however were sitting in their kayaks laughing uncontrollably. "Told you so." Nell spoke.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, can we just get this race over already? I want to go back and get into some warm clothes and play some Mario Kart or something." Eric whined.

"Alright. Is everyone ready?" Sam asked.

"Ready." Callen spoke.

"Let's do this." Kensi added.

"Alright. On your marks, get set, and go!" Sam yelled, as everyone started rowing out to the other side of the lake.

The part of the lake where they were rowing was fairly wide, covering at least five hundred metres. Possibly more.

Kensi and Deeks were in the lead, with Callen and Nell closely behind. Eric and Sam however, weren't having such good luck. Eric was struggling to row with his oar and Sam was doing most of the work, and even with Sam's big muscles and strength, they were still coming last.

"Come on babe,we're winning! Not long left until we reach the end!" Deeks yelled, making Kensi stop rowing. "You did not just call me babe."

"What are you talking about, no I didn't." Deeks spoke.

"Yeah, sure you didn't." Kensi responded, starting to row again.

"I'm just communicating with you." Deeks added, as they crossed to the end of the lake first, winning the race.

"Yes! What'd I tell you, Kens? We won!" Deeks yelled in excitement, as Kensi turned her head to high five him.

Deeks, however, had different ideas and pulled Kensi into a kiss.

When he realised what he was doing, he pulled away and looked into Kensi's eyes, waiting for her to punch him or yell at him.

Kensi looked shocked, and Deeks broke the silence, "Kens, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." Deeks rambled.

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