Chapter 1

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It was Friday night and the team had just closed their latest case, which consisted of Mexican drug dealers trafficking heroine and cocaine across the US border. The team tracked them down to a small town in the south of Mexico, where they were caught and arrested.

It had been a long case for the team. Probably one of their longest yet. They were constantly flying back and forth from Mexico to LA, having to put up with Deeks' constant whining of 'I'm sick', 'When an we go home?', 'Can't criminals take a break for a day?', 'I'm tired.' 

Nell and Eric were happy they got to stay at ops the entire time, working on their computers, helping the team from the inside, instead of being in the heat, again with Deeks complaining about how the sun makes his skin dry. However, Nell was a little disappointed with not having seen a certain Special Agent for more than a couple of hours during the past week.

The agents were now sitting in the bullpen, packing up their stuff for the well deserved weekend that they all needed. Nell and Eric were up in ops, putting together the last of their things and starting to make their way down the stairs and into the bullpen to say goodbye to their team-mates.

"Congratulations to all of you on a job well done. Considering you have all spent the last week working hard and have managed to close the case, putting the criminals of the week into prison, I am giving you all the next week off. But, you will all need to keep your phones on, in case of emergency or a case that needs immediate attention. Now, go. Before I change my mind. Goodnight, all." Hetty stated, walking into her office and taking a seat and a sip of her camomile tea.

"Can I just confirm? Did Hetty just give us the next week off?" Nell asked, turning to see confused, but happy faces, on her teammates. Deeks cocked his eyebrow, "I don't know. At the moment, I'm starting to feel like I've got water in my ear or something. This doesn't happen often. Actually, no. This never happens."

"You're right. This never happens. But I'm not about to stay here any longer and wait for her to change her mind, so I'm going to go. Goodnight guys." Callen bided, before Sam stood up and called out to him, "Yo, G! Wait up a minute. How do you guys feel about camping?" The rest of the team exchanged looks, before Kensi finally spoke up. "I love camping. I used to go all the time when I was younger. Why are you asking?"

Sam grinned, "What do you say we take ourselves on a little camping trip? Wind down after a long week?" Kensi nodded and stood up. "Sounds like fun. I'm in." Deeks smiled, "If Kensi's going, I'm going. As long as where we go has a beach nearby. I could really use a surf. It feels like centuries ago when I last caught some waves." Kensi smirked, "That's only because you have terrible balance and can't last longer than two seconds without falling off." Deeks showed a look of hurt, before laughing uneasily, "You're just jealous of my amazing skills."

"What do you think, G? You in?" Sam asked, ignoring the little argument Kensi and Deeks were having. Callen nodded. "I'm in. I wouldn't mind a little hiking and maybe even some fishing." He replied. Sam smiled in return, "Great. What about you two? Think you can pull yourself away from your devices long enough to come camping with us for the week?"

Nell glared at Sam, smiling nonetheless. "Umm, yeah. Sure. Why not? Although, it's not me you have to worry about with the devices. It's him." Nell responded, pointing her finger at Eric, who was standing next to her, leaning against the entrance to the bullpen. "It's not my fault! Devices are my calling. They save your life and even help you catch bad guys." Eric defended, making himself sound more and more like a nerd.

"Ohh come on, Eric. If you have to, you can bring one of your devices with you. It will be good to get you away from ops. You don't get out enough. Plus, I need someone to come surfing with me." Deeks encouraged. Eric sighed, "Fine. I'll go. But just know that I'm only doing this for you. I get out heaps." Sam smiled widely. "Good, now that we're all in, let's get home. Get packed, grab some shut eye and be ready for tomorrow. We're going to have to take two cars. I'll take mine and Kens, you can take yours. Callen, Eric and Deeks can come with me and Nell can go with you, considering I know how much girls like to gossip.Does that sound okay?" Sam asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"That sounds good. But, we haven't decided on a destination for this camp, yet." Kensi stated. Everyone stopped and tried to think of somewhere they could camp, which has both a beach for surfing, a lake for fishing and a good hiking track, when Nell yelled triumphantly, like she'd just won the lottery. "I know just the place. What do you say we all meet here, and you guys can follow Kensi and I? Don't even ask where it is, because it's going to be a surprise. Don't worry, you will all love it. It has everything you could possibly think of. The only thing is, it's about three hours away. Does that bother any of you?" Nell asked, causing everyone to shake their heads.

Nell smiled. "Good. Then it's settled. Now, I'm going to go home and get some sleep. I'll see you guys tomorrow. We meet here tomorrow morning at nine. It gives us plenty of time to get there, set up our tents, have some lunch and then have some free time, doing whatever we want?" Nell suggested. Everyone nodded happily and walked out of the bullpen, exchanging goodbyes.


Hey guys, so I know this chapter was fairly short, but it's just the introduction. The rest of the chapters will be longer. I can assure you. I hope you enjoyed
it, and feel free to leave a comment below, and let me know your thoughts.

Molly L. Brookes.

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