Chapter 25

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Nell coughed nervously, moving slightly away from Callen. "Ah, hm, Hetty! Didn't see you there!"

"Mhm." Hetty stated, simply.

"I should get back up to ops. I have to finish up before I head home. I'll talk to you later, Callen. Nice meeting you, Mr Reznikov." Nell spoke, turning and walking up stairs, without answering Hetty's question.

"Hetty, do you mind if I leave now?" Callen asked.

Hetty nodded slightly. "Well, we have closed the case, so I suppose so. Go on, go take your father and get him fixed up."

Callen smiled, "Thank you, Hetty." He stated, turning to Reznikov. "What do you say we go get you sorted? You could use some cleaning up, after the way you've just been treated. And then we can get something to eat, sound okay?"

Reznikov smiled happily, "That sounds good. Thank you."

"Great. Well, let's get going then, shall we?" Callen asked.

Reznikov nodded, following Callen out of Hetty's office.

"Hey, guys. When you see Nell, would you be able to tell her that I've to show Nikita around and that I'll call her tomorrow? She's up stairs finishing off work and I don't want to bother her." Callen spoke, as they stopped by the bullpen.

"Yeah, of course. Have fun." Kensi replied, waving to them.

Callen nodded, walking out of the bullpen with Reznikov.

"Well, Kens, what do you say we go and get some late, late, late, dinner. Like eleven o'clock at night late?" Deeks asked, turning to Kensi.

"Um, yeah. Okay. I could do with some doughnuts." Kensi replied.

"No doughnuts. Remember your little failed dare. No doughnuts for a week." Sam interrupted.

Kensi sighed, "Damn. I was hoping you had forgotten about that."

Sam laughed, "Yeah, not likely."

"Come on, Princess. If we get in before midnight, we might be able to get some Yummy Yummy Heart Attack." Deeks spoke.

"Okay. Night Sam." Kensi replied.

"Night guys. Remember, no doughnuts." Sam bidded, as he closed his laptop and packed up his bag.

Just as Kensi left, Nell and Eric walked down the stairs, with their bags and jackets, ready to leave.

"Kensi and Deeks already leave?" Eric asked.

Sam nodded, "Something about Yummy Yummy Heart Attack." He spoke, standing up and walking to the opening of the bullpen, where Eric and Nell were standing.

"Did Callen leave too?" Nell asked.

Sam nodded, "Yeah. He went to show Reznikov around and get him fixed up. He wanted me to tell you that he'd call you tomorrow. He didn't want to bother you again while you were working."

Nell nodded, "Oh okay. It looks like things are going good for him and Reznikov, hey? Anyway, I better get home. I'll see you guys on Monday. Night."

"Yeah, it looks that way. Night Nell." Sam replied.

Nell walked out of ops, shortly followed by Sam and Eric as they all headed home.

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