Chapter 5

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The team made their way down to the beach. Eric and Deeks holding their surfboards against their sides, while Sam and Callen were kicking a soccer ball back and forth to each other as they walked.

Kensi and Nell followed behind them, both carrying a bag of drinks and snacks to fill them up for the time they spent at the beach.

As soon as they got down to the sand, Kensi and Nell undressed, revealing their bikinis they had put on before they left the camp site. Callen couldn't help but smile when he saw Nell's surprisingly toned body. Not that he thought she was fat before or anything, just that he wouldn't have expected a girl like Nell, to have such a well toned body.

"G, stop staring at her like that." Sam whispered to Callen, once he realised that he staring at Nell. Callen jumped and laughed nervously. "I'm not" whispered back.

"You guys do realise we can hear you, right?" Nell asked. "What is she? Hetty? She has ears like a bat. Just like Hetty." Callen whispered again, even softer this time. "Still hear you." Nell stated, as she and Kensi laid out their towels, laid on them and closed their eyes. Callen smiled.

"Yo, G. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sam asked Callen. Called nodded as they walked a little further away, where they were sure Nell's bat-like ears couldn't her them.

"What's up?" Callen asked. "Okay, I asked you last night and I'm going to ask you again now, what is going on between you and Nell?" Callen sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically. "Okay, I told you last night, and I'm telling you again now, there is nothing going on between Nell and I. We are just friends. That's it."

Sam snorted, "Okay, maybe there isn't anything going on between you now, but you want there to be, don't you? I'm not blind. I see the way you look at her. It's something that shouts 'I like you, but I don't know how to tell you'."

Callen laughed nervously, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Sam sighed. "Come on, G. You may be able to fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. Just admit, you have feelings for Nell."

Callen sighed in return. "Okay, fine. Maybe I like her, a little bit..." Sam snorted once again. "A little bit? Come on, G. You were practically drooling all over her when you saw her in her bikini." Sam stated, a little louder than he thought. Although, Kensi and Nell were deep in conversation about something, and Eric and Deeks were already out surfing.

"I was not! But how could you not, she is beautiful! She is an amazing girl, Sam. And within the past two days, I've come to realise that more and more. She is beautiful, intelligent, talented, funny, and over all, just completely amazing." Callen explained. By this time, Sam was grinning like an idiot, as he looked towards his best friend. "Man, G. You've got it hard. So when are you going to do something about it? Do you intend to tell her how you feel?"

Callen shook his head instantly. "I'm not doing anything about it. And I sure as hell, am not telling her how I feel. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like her and I want her to know how I feel, but I can't." Callen took a breath.

"We already know that her and Eric have a 'thing'. I wouldn't want to stand in the way of that. And I don't intend to. I just want her to be happy, even if that is not with me." Callen explained, feeling his head drop as he spoke.

Sam smiled. "Wow, G. I never thought I'd see the day when you of all people, fell hard for a girl like Nell." Callen sighed, "I know, right?"

Callen and Sam started playing soccer for a little while after their conversation, but soon they were sitting down with Nell and Kensi, watching as Eric and Deeks surfed. Deeks seemed to be going okay, but he fell off almost as much as Kensi said he did.

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