He instantly stood up next to me. "Because all I knew were the times you had come to me crying and telling me what a jerk he is! You don't think I notice that every damn time you come across him that at some point, you have tears in your eyes?! I see it Sophia! I do! And it pisses me off because you deserve so much better! So much better," he calmed down towards the end and I didn't know what to say. It seems that every time I get in an argument with someone I lose.

"What do you want me to do then?!" I shout back not knowing what else to say.

"Marry me," he blurts out.

"What?" I'm taken aback.

"Yeah," he says like he's confirming it in his head. He gets down on one knee, "Sophia Crooner, marry me." He smiles.

This isn't how it's suppose to go. It's suppose to be sweet and romantic.

"Four, I, I," I stutter.

"Please. We are young and we can start that life that we want, that family. I want to give you what you deserve. Please, just marry me."

"Four, we are young and I don't want to make another mistake," or maybe I just don't feel the same.

"Sophia, life here in Dauntless is about living life. You need to put yourself out there and trust your gut and do the crazy things that scare you. We don't have to get married right away. We can wait a little bit but I'm committed to this if you are," he gestures between us.

He looks like a little kid in a candy shop so excited that I wouldn't be able to turn him down. So I nod my head, "Of course, Four. I will marry you," I force a smile. Maybe if I get my mind set on a life with Four, I can get Eric off of my mind.

"I love you, Sophia," he kisses me.

"I love you, too."

I can only imagine what Eric will think of me getting engaged to Four, only after 2 and a half weeks.


"Which one do you like?" Four asks me excitedly.

I try to focus on anything but Eric, even though this process felt better with him than it does with Four.

"That one is gorgeous," I gawk at a beautiful silver ring that had a simple but elegant pattern on the band and a beautiful ruby red diamond on top. The worker pulls the ring out of the case and hands it to Four who takes my left hand and slowly pushes it onto my ring finger. "It's a perfect fit," I smile at him.

He bends down onto one knee again, and repeats the words he did two nights ago. "Will you marry me, Sophia?"

"Yes, of course, yes, yes, I will!" With each word I got more confident more so to convince myself than Four.

He turned toward the worker to confirm we were going to get this ring. When he turned back to me, he pulled me into a hug and kissed my temple. I rested my head on his shoulder to help myself relax. I took this time to just melt into his grip and feel safe for the first time in a while.

"I love you," he whispered into my hair.

"I love you too."


"You want to go out tonight? I have a few things in mind." Four suggests.

"I don't know. I was thinking about talking to Anna and Jake about ya know..." I trailed off.

"I'm sure it'll be just fine," he reassures me and kisses my hair, his arm that hangs around me rubs my shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm hope so."

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