"Hey Sam where did you go last night I was worried?"

"Um no-where just to the bar."

I could tell something was up with him. He looked like he just had an adventurous night.

"You naughty boy Sammy." I shook my head, "Anyways Kat and I are going somewhere we will be back soon to pick you up so we can head off again."

Sam looked past me to Kat who wasn't even acknowledging him. Sam sighed and just nodded.

I put my car to drive and headed off to go hunting for some deer for my Kat.



~Katherine's Pov~

When Dean pulled up next to Sam all I could think about was that he smelled like sex. I was hoping Castiel was wrong but I guess not. The whole time Dean was talking to him I looked forward not wanting to look at him. I don't know why it was bothering me so much. I needed to get out of here but before I could possibly think of anything Dean was already saying his goodbye and we were on the road again.

Dean looked over at me and smiled before putting on some classic rock. He was singing along while I smiled basically laughing as he began to rock out.

When I was Dean it felt like time speed up because of all the fun we have. I wish I could hang with him longer.

We soon pulled into a preserve.

"Do you think you would find deer here?" Dean questioned as he got out the car.

Following him I stepped out and sniffed the air.

"Yeah, I can smell them a few miles in."

Dean nodded and walked over to my side as we began walking into the woods.

10 minutes had already past and I was growing antsy by the pace we were going.

"Dean how about you climb on my back and we run to where we can find some deer." I suggested. Dean looked over at me a little worried.

"Last time I nearly fell off your wolf's back."

"Well since you gave me a piggyback ride earlier I'll give you one now."

Dean chuckled before coming closer to me. As soon as he jumped and wrapped him arms around my shoulders I sped off.

Dean was yelling out for the thrill.

"This feels amazing!" Dean yelled out.

I laughed and ran a bit faster making sure to leap off of anything. I could feel a small cliff in the distance and I knew that if I went down it would be where the deer were at.

"Dean I need you to hold on!" I gripped his legs tighter. He questioned what I was going to do but before I could reply I used my vampire agile agility and threw myself off the little cliff.

We were both screaming, more Dean than I if I say so myself.

We were nearing the bottom now and I prepared myself for landing. My legs touched the ground and I ran for bit before finally slowing down and coming to a complete stop.

"Oh my God that was freaking amazing! But next time let's not jump off of a cliff."

"No promises." I grinned flashing him my wicked smile.

I lightly shoved Dean's shoulder as I headed over to a tree.

"I'm gonna shift now because the deer are a less than a mile away." I explained to Dean. I walked forward and stood behind a tree as I began to strip out of my clothes until I was stark naked.

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