23 - Restart His Heart

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No one would tell you anything. They had been in there for 45 minutes. Sherrinford sat beside you in the couch with your head leaned on his shoulder. Mary, John and Lestrade sat each chair.

Finally, the doctor came out, but he didn't have a happy look. All of you got up on your feet.

"Well?" John asked as the doctor stopped in front of you.
"What happened is that his heart stopped beating, but we managed to get it start beating again, but just barely. He's now in the same condition as before. I'm truly sorry to tell you all this, but it must take a miracle for him to awake," the doctor told you.

All of you were silent, and Sherrinford nodded to the doctor who disappeared short after.
"Y/N?" Sherrinford asked and looked at you.

"I..." you started and cleared your throat. "I need to be alone."


Inside Sherlock's mind

My feet were running. I could feel them slightly loosing the strength to carry my body. It didn't take them long fail, and I collapsed to the ground.

There was a pain, floating inside me from head to toe. I've never experienced something like it before.

I laid on my back. My body was shaking, my mind slowly drifted away from me and my heart had nearly stopped beating.

Everything suddenly became quiet and dark. I couldn't see and was unable to move. My mind was the only who had some strength left.


You walked over to Sherlock and took his hand in yours.

"Please, Sherlock. If you can hear me, I need you to wake up. I need you to come back to me. I believe in you, Sherlock Holmes..." you sobbed and kissed him on the lips.


Far away, there appeared a light. It was barely visible, but it came closer and it seemed like it whispered. I heard a voice, a light, beautiful voice. It was her voice.

At first, it was blurry, but as the light grew bigger, the voice spoke more clearly.

"Please, Sherlock. If you can hear me, I need you to wake up," she said to me.

The light changed from and became her. She was wearing the red dress I had seen her in before, and she had the hair in a ponytail. She took my hands and helped me up on my feet.

"I need you to come back to me," she said and kissed me. "I believe in you Sherlock Holmes."


When you broke the kiss, you thought you felt his finger move against your hands. But when you looked at it, it didn't move at all.

You sighed and kissed him again. "Please..."

There it was again. The feeling of him moving his hand.
"Sherlock?" you asked in hope.


"Please... Sherlock..." she moaned between the kissed.

Suddenly, I felt my heart beat once more and I kissed her back. We kept kissing and every time our lips touched, I felt my life come back to me.


"Ah..." Sherlock sighed and moved a little.

You pressed his hand harder and begged him to wake up.
"Come on, Sherlock. Wake-"


"-up," she begged me and held my hands harder.


Sherlock opened his eyes and met yours.

You gasped and froze. You didn't know what to say. Sherlock looked around in the room and realized where he was, and then he looked back at you.

"What? Have you never seen a man in hospital before?" he joked and gave you a weak, but warm smile. "Thank God, you're all right," he said and squeezed your hand.

Your tears were no longer sad. They were happy and relieved tears. You bowed down and buried your face in his neck. Sherlock grunted a bit, but still smiled.


After everyone had greeted Sherlock and talked to him for ages, he got tired when the evening came, and needed to rest. He wanted you to go to Baker Street and sleep in a proper bed, but of course, you refused to that. See, you don't always do as he tells you to.

You had just sat down in the chair beside the bed, but when he noticed, he knitted his eyebrows.
"What are doing?" he asked and you looked curious at him.
"If you're not gonna do as I recommend you, the least thing you can do is sleep beside me," he said and nodded his head on his side.

"I don't want to hurt you," you said but he sighed and looked at you.
"Fine," you said and smiled.

You climbed up in the bed. It was just big enough to fit your two bodies beside each other. As you laid on the pillow, you studied his eyes. You could never describe them in one word. They brought you out of reality and into another world where there existed only goodness.

"Good night," you said.
"Good night." 

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