9 - Let it Snow

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 "They're coming..."
"We're not safe, you're not safe..."
"You know their name..."
"They're coming..."

The words filled Sherlock's mind as he was lying on the bed. He hadn't slept much, but that wasn't a surprise. From outside his room, he heard you, possibly in the kitchen. Since he wasn't getting anywhere with the information you, or his mind version of you, gave him, he decided to get up.

You put on the coffeemaker and made yourself breakfast. Sherlock came out of his bedroom.
"Hi, got any sleep?" you asked. He was wearing pyjamas trousers and a grey t-shirt.
"Not particularly," he answered before disappearing into the bathroom.


"There's some coffee if you want," you told Sherlock as he came out of the bathroom in one his suits. After getting himself a cup, he sat down in his chair, while you sat in the chair opposite him. You waited for him to tell you what he's been up to, but it didn't seem he was going to tell you.

"So, are you gonna explain to me why you left?" you asked without looking at him.
"I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just sit around, waiting for something new to happen. Therefore, I contacted Mycroft and we managed to track one man down. We kept him somewhere without coverage. That's why Mycroft nor I couldn't respond to you. We hoped we could get him to talk. He wouldn't tell us much," Sherlock said.
"Did you torture him?" you asked a bit nervous to hear the answer.
"That wouldn't make us better than them, would it?" Sherlock asked back, which also was his answer to you.
"Did he tell you anything then?"
"Only that we can't escape what's coming," Sherlock said and looked out in the air.
"When we knew he wasn't gonna tell us anything more, I knew I had to return to Baker Street since I couldn't contact any of you and therefore I didn't know if anything had happened to you. However, I told my brother to send someone to keep an eye on you as well. But I am sorry I left you in a time like this. I hope you can forgive me for that," he said.
"Don't worry about that, Sherlock. I'm just glad your back unharmed. However, it's not over. This is so not the Christmas I wanted this year," you sighed.


After telling this to John and Mary, the boys went out to Scotland Yard to help about a case while you and Mary were staying in Baker Street. Dimock was in charge of the case while Lestrade was recovering. He had learned to trust Sherlock's word after he was right last time he lead the investigation about the blind banker case.

"There's something I need to tell you," you said to Mary. "You were right."
Mary smiled. "I always am. What was it this time?"
"I like him. Like, a lot," you said straight out, and her face lighted up.
"Finally!" she said loud and clapped her hands on her lap.
"I've always liked him, I think, but I never was truly aware of it. It was first when we thought he was, dead, that I knew I felt that way about him, but I tried not to make such a big thing out of it since he was, gone. When he came back, I was relieved, and confused. My feelings towards have only gotten stronger since that day. Also yesterday when he came back unharmed, proved to me that I really like him," you confessed both to Mary and to yourself.
Mary just sat there, and looked at you. Then, she told you to tell him what you just told her when he gets back.
"I don't think that's a good idea, with everything that's going on," you said.
"Maybe now is the best time to tell him, because of everything that's going on," she said back.


When the boys returned after solving the case, which was mostly thanks to Sherlock, we went out to get something to eat. Mary sent you winks and lure smiles every ten minutes but you tried to ignore her. John had noticed her strange behaviour but just chuckled at it. Sherlock at the other hand, hung a bit behind us. "Hey! Are you coming or what?" Mary shouted back to Sherlock who almost stood still on the street. He looked at her and came over to us. "How about we grab us s nice, long dinner and then go to a disco?" Mary said. We all knew that's something that Sherlock hated. Being somewhere with lots of people, but Mary was the one who always tried to keep your spirits up when things were dark.

"Disco?" John asked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, but you love to dance," Mary said and took John's hand in hers. "But imagine how fun it would be," Mary kept going. "Let's have some fun."
"Where are we supposed to find a discotheque?" you asked.

After searching for a long time after somewhere nice to eat, because Mary couldn't decide where she wanted to eat, you ended up with Italian, where there wasn't so many people and settled yourselves down on a table for four. We got the meus and ordered one drink each. "You're not having some wine, Mary?" John asked her as she ordered a soda. "No I don't feel like it," she said and wrinkled her nose.

You went down to go to the toilets after finishing your dinner, and Sherlock went to the desk to pay for all of you. He said it was for leaving without telling you, and you all thought it was a good idea.
"We need to get those together," Mary said in a low voice to John while they waited for you and Sherlock. "Who?" John asked. Mary elbowed him and nodded towards Sherlock. "Y/N likes him. it's impossible not to see it. And my guess is that Sherlock likes her too," Mary told John.
John got a thinking look on his face. "Do you really believe Sherlock feels that way about Y/N?"
"You've seen how he's saved her and the look they got when he came back last night. I think, Sherlock does like her, and he knows it, but since he's been repressed his emotions his whole life, he may be scared because he doesn't know what to do about it," Mary said and John had to admit that they acted a bit weird sometimes when they were together.

"Okay, I see your point," John said and continued, "But how do we...?"
"You're gonna talk to Sherlock. He listens to you, even though it might not seem like it to times."
Mary and John didn't get to plan much more before both you and Sherlock returned.

"Look, it's snowing!" you said happily to the others when you came out of the restaurant. Tiny snowflakes fell from the sky and landed in London's streets. This is what you were hoping for.
"Let's hope it lasts" John said.

Later, John got a text from Lestrade, saying he was on the mend. "Well, this seems to be a good day," Mary said while we walked down the street. "Well, I suppose we should head home, or what do you say, Mary?" John suggested. Mary gave John a 'remember what we just talked about' look, but he whispered "tomorrow" in her ear.
"Right, we will talk more tomorrow," Mary said while she and John waved to us before getting in a cab.

"Do you want to go back to Baker Street?" Sherlock asked after John and Mary left. "Yes, we might as well. It's getting dark and colder," you said as you rubbed your hands together. It wasn't that long to walk back, so you decided to spare money and not take a cab.

For each minute that passed by, it seemed toonly get colder. Sherlock marked that you started shaking. "Are you alright?"he asked.
"Yes, just a bit cold, that's all," you said.
Sherlock stopped and took of his scarf, "Here," he said and put it around yourneck.
"Thank you." It sure was comfortable, and warm.      

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