21 - Checkmate

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You awoke by a sudden scream. Your eyes was red from all the crying and your hair was messier as well, so you didn't bother doing anything with it.

You leaned up on your elbow and listened if you could hear anything more, but you didn't. Therefore, you thought it had to be a dream or your imagination.

Several minutes past without you hearing anything. The door opened and the man who came with the blanket stepped inside.
"Come with me," he said. Since you didn't have any other choice, you followed him without protest.


"Oh, you don't look very well. Haven't you eaten?" Damien asked as you were brought to the same place as yesterday.

"You're so pale, darling," he said. You sighed. You mouth wouldn't speak and your head still hurt.
"Please, talk to me. What can I do to make you feel better?" he asked.

You kept a strong gaze on him.
"Very well," Damien said.

From your left side you saw a man coming to Damien. You knitted your eyebrows when you noticed he had blood on his knuckles. You opened you mouth and wondered who's blood that was.

The man whispered something to Damien but you couldn't hear what.
"No, not quite yet," he said to the man, who nodded and left the same way he came from.

"Sorry about that," Damien said to you.
"What's going on?" you managed to force yourself to ask him.

"I want him to see you while I break him," he said and lifted his hand in the air. Not long after two men came, dragging another man with them. They held him in the elbows and dragged him by his feet.

He had black, curly hair, was wearing black suit trousers and a white shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. You knew well who it was.

The men let go of Sherlock and he fell on the floor. His shirt had many red spots on it; blood.
"So, at last we meet eye to eye, Mr Holmes," Damien said as he rolled up his sleeves.

Sherlock leaned on his palms and raised his gaze. You gasped as you saw his face. He had several cuts, and was covered in blood all over his chest.

"Oh, my God..." you whispered and put your hand over your mouth. "Sherlock?"
He turned and when he saw you he sighed and lowered his head. You wanted to go over to him but the men stopped you. There were now five of them. Two behind Sherlock, two holding you and then Damien.

"You didn't think I would let her miss this, would you?" Damien asked Sherlock. One of the men behind Sherlock dragged him up so he sat on his knees. His shirt was unbuttoned except the two last buttons.
The other walked in front of him and punched him in the face.

"No!" you screamed and tried to escape from the men's grip but they were too strong. Besides, your choice to ignore the food had made you weak.

Sherlock grunted by the pain. The man punched him again and Sherlock began to bleed more form his nose.

"Stop them!" you shouted to Damien who smiled. He lifted his hand and the man in front of Sherlock stepped aside.

"Our guest is not enjoying the show," Damien said and placed his hand under your chin. You heard Sherlock grunt by him touching you. You put your head to the side so that he lost his grip on you.

"Tell me, dear. Does this please you more?" he asked you and raised his hand. The man, who had hit Sherlock, now kicked him hard in his stomach. You ached even more and tears escaped from your eyes.

"Let us go!" you shouted but Damien scratched his head.
"You see, I can't do that," he said. "I've been waiting for this moment for years. You always found a way to escape, Mr. Holmes. But look at you now. Sacrificing yourself for this girl. You've gotten too soft, my friend."

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