6 - A Silent Night

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The next morning you went to the hospital to see Lestrade. The doctor said he still was in coma, and he needed some days to recover. As you watched him through the door, you saw scratches in his face and bandages on his arms. Sherlock was frustrated that Lestrade wasn't awake, so he couldn't tell us what happened, but he just had to deal with it for now.

It was late afternoon and you came out of the bathroom after having a shower. The towel was wrapped around you, reaching from your upper breast to just over your knees and your hair hanging loose down your back. You went into your room to find new clothes when you heard a noise downstairs. You went over to the door to listen. Gently, you leaned towards to hear better. Someone was now walking up the stairs, and the footsteps becoming louder. You quickly looked around your room to see if you could find anything useful and eventually you ended up with a flashlight and placed yourself beside the door. You saw the door handle moving and the door open.

As soon as the person walked inside your room, you rushed forward and was only millisecond from hitting the person before he turned and manage to grab the flashlight right before you hit him in the face.

"Jesus, Sherlock!" you screamed.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a loud voice. You shook your head.

"I thought... I thought someone had broken in, what are you doing here? Couldn't you knock?"

"I tried that but you didn't open. You must have forgotten to lock your door," he said.

You just sighed heavily and remembered you stood there just in a towel. Luckily, it hadn't dropped on the floor in your attempt to beat Sherlock. Not that it would matter anyway. He doesn't care about that, at least you thought he didn't. However, you opened your closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a dark green blouse before you went in to the bathroom again. 

"Remind me again what you're doing here," you shouted from behind the bathroom door.

"I haven't told you yet," he shouted back.

"Right," you said to yourself.

"Pack some things, you're staying in Baker Street for a while," Sherlock said.


It was for your safety, Sherlock had explained to you when the both of you sat in the cab on your way to Baker Street. To be honest, you would feel a lot safer staying with someone since there were people after you. Your suitcase didn't contain much though, just clothes for a couple of days. You could always go back and pack more thing if you need to.

"You can have John's old room," Sherlock told you as you entered 221B. He opened the room's door for you as you entered it. You put your bag on the bed. "Thank you." Things felt a bit weird after what happened in your flat when you almost knocked him over in just a towel.
Sherlock nodded. "I'll be downstairs," he said and left. You sat down on the bed. This will be interesting. Now, I guess I'll know how it is to actually live with him. John had told you about the late nights and early mornings. How Sherlock fired the gun at the wall, how he played his violin whenever he felt like it and doing experiments that could blow up the microwave.

Your phone rang and you picked it up and answered it.
"Y/N! How are you?" Mrs. Hudson answered.
"We're alright..." you stopped and thought if you should tell her about Lestrade. Maybe it was best not to. She would only insist to come home and you didn't want that. Not until it's all over.
"You sure, you don't sound very convincing," she said. You sighed. There's not much that goes by that woman without her noticing.
"Sorry, just tired that's all. We've... Well, we're working hard on this to find the people who's after us," you said.
"Found out anything, dear?"
"No, not yet. They're good at hiding they're tracks."
"I hope it'll be all over soon! Take care, dear. And greet the others."
"I will, Mrs. Hudson. Talk to you soon. Bye."
You hung up and put your phone down on the table beside the bed.


Evening came fast, and after you packed out your clothes from the suitcase, you changed to your pyjamas. There wasn't a bathroom in this floor, so you had to go downstairs. Sherlock sat with the table and looked at his computer. You was about to say something but refrained and went into the bathroom.


For two hours now, you've tried to fall asleep, but your mind would just not shut off. You sighed and rose up from the bed. The clock showed 01.30 at night. From downstairs, you could hear Sherlock play the violin. So he isn't asleep either. That's not a surprise.

"Did I wake you, Y/N?" Sherlock asked and stopped playing as soon as he saw you coming in the living room. You shook your head. "No. it's hard to sleep knowing there are people after us."
Sherlock was about to put down the violin but you stopped him. "No, please. You don't have to stop playing. I know it helps you think," you explained to him and he stopped his movement, still holding the violin. He lifted it back up, placed it under his chin while his other had gently placing the bow on its strings and started to play again.

You sat down on the couch and admired the view. It was like when he was in his mind palace; calm and peaceful. His fingers matched the bow and violin perfectly. He played music you haven't heard before. Maybe he's composed a new one. It sure was beautiful and you could feel your body relax and your eyelids become heavier. You gasped and leaned back on the couch, closing your eyes.

"You should go back up and get some sleep. Your tired, I can see it," Sherlock suddenly said. As you opened your eyes, he had sat down on the couch beside you. "It's just terrifying to think about it. First Mrs. Hudson, then Lestrade," you said and looked at him, but he turned his head away. "I'm not stupid, Sherlock. There are four more bricks in chess they haven't used, and we are four persons left. You, me, John and Mary. I know you've been thinking about it too." From the look on Sherlock's face told you that you were right.

Sherlock noticed the worried look on your face and leaned back on the couch so he was closer to you. "We'll find out who's behind this. I promise," he assured. Now, he was the one to try and comfort you. You looked at each other for what felt like minutes before the both of you lowered your faces.

"Yes, I... I should go," you admitted and rose up. "Good night then," you said as you walked upstairs.
"Good night," Sherlock said back, but you didn't hear him. Slowly, he got up as well and went over to the window. The street was empty and the night filled it with darkness. It was clearly December month as you could spot lights hanging on the flat's porches.

The detective backed away from the window, went to his bedroom and closed the door. He took his clothes of and changed into his pyjamas. As he lay down on his bed, he softly fell asleep.


She stands in front of me with her head down. She wears the same red dress as before. "Y/N?"
Her head lifted and she looked at me with the same sad eyes. "They're coming," she said.
"Who is?" I asked.
She walked closer and placed her hand on my arm. "We're not safe. You're not safe."
"I don't understand. Who is after us?" I desperately wanted to know. She looked me in the eyes and a tear fell down her cheek. "You know their name," she told me.

Then everything became black.

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