18 - Trap

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You woke up lying in Sherlock's bed, wearing his shirt. Sherlock laid behind you with one hand over your waist, and his other stretched out under your head. You could feel his breath in your neck. That's when you remembered last night and only that made you breathe more heavily.

You turned your head a bit and saw Sherlock had his eyes closed. You turned around to face him and removed one of his curls that had fallen down over his one eye. You stroke your hand over his free arm. Your gesture made him move a little.

Suddenly you felt his fingers moving on your bare skin. Sherlock opened his eyes and met yours. You both laid like that for a moment in silence.
"Hi," you said.
"You got a good night's sleep?" Sherlock asked and you nodded. "And... last night? Do you regret it?" he asked and swallowed.
"No," you answered. "Do you?"

Sherlock kept his eyes on yours, and then he kissed your forehead. "No," he said. You closed your eyes and Sherlock moved so that he laid on his back and you laid your head on his chest. Not long after you both fell asleep.


Later that morning, you awoke before Sherlock again. You looked on your phone and saw a text from Mary. It said that there was no damage yet in John's head. He had been awake for some time, and said he was fine but felt like a truck had hit him. Mary hadn't asked John what happened yet, because he was really tired and needed peace and quiet.

You responded with saying that you and Sherlock were fine, and asked if she wanted you to come down to the hospital. She responded quickly to your message, saying there was no rush. However, you was determinant to pay them a visit later.

The coffee machine just finished in time when Sherlock came out from the bedroom. You had your back towards him. You were just about to fill coffee in a cup when you felt a pair of strong arms around your waist and a kiss against your head.

You still had Sherlock's shirt on. It stretched down to the middle of your thighs. Sherlock rested his head on your shoulder, which made you smile.
"The coffee is ready," you told him, but he was busy kissing your neck and shoulder.

"I'll take it in a minute," he mumbled in your neck. His hands travelled down to the edge of the shirt and his fingers stroke your thighs. You leaned your head on his shoulder so he got more access to your neck. You placed one hand on his that was on your thigh and your other on the side of his head.

You giggled as he blew on your neck so it tickled.
"Sherlock, your coffee is getting cold," you said and he let go of you. He reached one arm over your shoulder and grabbed the cup.
"Thank you," he said and gave you a quick kiss on your head and went into the living room. That's when you realized he was still wearing only his pyjamas pants and his hear was a mess, but he looked so cute.

You smiled to yourself. You desperately wished that you could enjoy this moment at the full, but you couldn't.

"Y/N?" Sherlock asked when he saw your face.
You walked over to him as he took your hand and sat down in his chair with you on his lap.
"Tell me what's on your mind," he said and put one hand around your waist and the other on you thigh. You leaned back and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to look over my shoulder all the time," you said. Sherlock kissed your forehead.
"I know," he said.


"Hey," you said as you approached Mary and gave her a hug.
"Hey," she responded.
"How are you?" you asked her.
"It's not me who's lying on a hospital bed," she said.
"John was a soldier, he's tough. He can fight this," you assured her and she nodded.

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