11 - Keep Calm

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"Why is this happening'?" you mumbled while you, Sherlock and John stood in the living room in John and Mary's house. Sherlock was looking for clues that could tell us where they've taken Mary.
When John came home last night, and discovered that Mary was gone, he saw a white bishop brick on their coffee table.
"It's them isn't it?" John asked, although he knew the answer.
"Mary is strong. She'll be alright and we will get her back," you tried to comfort John, but you had your doubts about how this was going to turn out.
"Here, look," Sherlock said and waved his hand in a gesture that told you to come over to him.
"There, it's blood," he continued as he pointed at the floor where there were blood. Not much, just some single drops.
"I'll take it to the lab," Sherlock said and collected the blood in a little cylinder tube. "It could be from the person behind the abduction."
"We'll come with you," you said for you and John. "There's no point in staying here."

None of you didn't say much during the drive to St. Bart's, especially John. He clenched his fists and just stared out the window. He must be so worried. "Why does these happen to us?" you asked, not expecting to get an answer.
"They want me, and they go through the people in my life to reach their goal," Sherlock said, staring out the window as well. You let out a big sighed. He was right, he always is. You got a lump in your stomach. You hated this, being on the run and looking over your shoulder.

Once you arrived at the hospital, Sherlock got immediately into work, while you and John responded when Sherlock needed more equipments. When Sherlock was completely quiet, John walked back and forth in the room. He couldn't sit down. He was too concerned about Mary. Since there were nothing else you could do while waiting for the DNA from the blood, you tried to remain calm. Getting upset and just not being able to think straight, wouldn't help Mary.

"It's finished," Sherlock said just as the computer beeped. The DNA of the person's blood was revealed.
"Whose is it?" John asked curious.
"Sherlock turned the computer screen towards us.
"Jake Tylor," Sherlock said and the screen showed a picture of a man with blond hair and blue eyes. Sherlock took out his phone from his jacket and called Mycroft.


"Jake Tylor, been in jail for abducting a young girl. The girl was found dead, in an abandoned, dilapidated building. Mr. Tylor was involved, but he claimed he wasn't the one who killed her. The police didn't find any trace of the person in charge of the abduction. Mr Tylor was recently released from the prison," Mycroft told us after you returned to Baker Street.
"When was this*?" you asked him.
"Five years ago, or so. I have sent out some of my men to look for Mary."

"Can you track this Mr Tylor down?" John asked. "Like you did with the man you and Sherlock found."
"We've already tried that, but they're good at hiding," Mycroft said.
"Then we need to be better," John said a bit furious.
"Do you think it is the same person behind all this? Like with that girl," you asked them all.
"It's possible," Sherlock said.
"And you haven't got a clue on who's after you now?" Mycroft asked his brother. Sherlock rolled his eyes and Mycroft sighed. Sibling rivalry, you thought.
"What do we do now exactly?" you asked. Everyone thought in silence.
"I don't know," Sherlock admitted.


The time went by without any of you figuring out what to do. Mycroft needed to head back to his office, and said he would get in touch if he heard anything from his men who were out searching. John seemed like he needed to go out and get some air. He was in fact furious. He didn't relax for one second. How could he?

"We have to do something, we can't just sit around," John said.
"If you get an idea, please share it, John." Sherlock said.
"You're Sherlock Holmes! Figure something out!" John barked to him.
"I don't always know what to do," Sherlock said with a neutral tone.
"Use your mind palace then!"
"Don't you think I've already tried that?"
"You've not tried hard enough then!" Now John was angry. You've never seen him like that. You got up from the couch.
"It would've been better if you never came back! Because then, none of this would have happened!" John yelled.
"Stop it!" you shouted to John and he looked away from Sherlock and sighed.
"I'm going," John said and left.
"What? Where?" you asked after him.
"Out!" John shouted from downstairs.
Sherlock got up from his chair, clearly upset.
"He didn't mean it, Sherlock. He's hurting right now. We all are," you assured him.

"He's right. I should figure out what to do," he said.
"We will figure it out, together," you said and walked over to him. You looked out the window just in time to see John walking down the street.
"He shouldn't be alone," you said. "I'll go after him," you said, but Sherlock took your arm.
"No. They won't come after him. Not yet," he said. "They come for us, one by one."
"What if he does something then? He isn't in a good state. If they're not coming for him now, then they won't come for me either, right? I'm going. I'll text you," you said and grabbed your jacket. Just as you did, a note fell out of one the pockets. As Sherlock saw it, he called at you and picked it up.

"Who's Tony?" he asked and showed you the note. You had completely forgotten about him giving you his number.
"He's a friend," you said and took the note from Sherlock. "I'll see you later," you said and went out after John.


He didn't answer his phone so you gave up. You didn't know how you were supposed to find him. You believed he wouldn't go home so where would he go?
After searching for him for an hour, you didn't know what else to do. You fiddled with the note in your pocket. You could just give him a call, hear if he's busy. And so you did. You called Tony and asked what he was up to. As he wasn't doing anything at the moment, you agreed to meet in the corner of Piccadilly Circus.

"Thanks for meeting me," you said as you and Tony walked in the streets.
He smiled, "I got a bit concerned when I didn't hear anything from you. is your friend back yet?"
"He is..." But now another friend is missing, you thought.
"There's still something wrong, isn't there?"
"It's not something for you to worry about," you told him. "Please, can we just talk about something else?"
"Sure, of course. What are you doing on Christmas Eve?"
"I don't know, to be honest," you said.
"Really?" he asked curious.
You tried your best to sound like you were alright, but it was hard, and Tony just wouldn't let it go.
"Please, I see you're troubled. I can't pretend you're fine because you clearly aren't," he said.

As you came to a bench you sat down, and he did the same.
"I can't tell you, sorry," you told him.
"Is it about him?" he asked and you looked surprised at him. "That guy, is he your boyfriend? Have you gotten in a fight with him?"
Oh, he asked so many questions, you thought.
"Neither, it's..."
"complicated?" Tony finished for you and you nodded.
"How much do you like him?"
"I see it on you. You're in love with him aren't you?"
You couldn't get yourself to answer that so you just looked down on the ground.
"He's lucky," Tony started. "To have you in his life, and I hope he knows that."
For a moment there seemed to be more with Tony than reach the eye, but you thought it was just your imagination. Then Tony's phone rang.
"I'm so sorry, but I have to take this," he excused and answered the call.
"Yes? Oh, now? Fine, I'm on my way," he said and hung up with a sigh. "I have to go, so sorry," he excused.
"There's no need for apologize," you assured him. He kissed your cheek, which made you a bit stunned. "Bye for now," he said and gave you a quick wave as he vanished down the path. 

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