12 - Darkness

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"What happened exactly?" you asked Mary. She sat in Sherlock's couch with John beside her and held her hands in his.
"They just stormed in through the door and dragged me out in a car. They blindfolded me and tied my hands. I didn't say anything. We drove for what felt like ages, but when I think about it, it must have been around half an hour. We stopped, the men took me out of the car and lead me into some sort of a building, I'm not sure."

You and Sherlock sat in each chair and listened to Mary while she told us what happened to her two nights ago. In early noon today, she called John and told him she was back. He immediately picked her up and drove to Baker Street.

"The men held my arms and took of the blindfold before my eyes. It was dark, and I couldn't see much. Just a shadow in front of me..."


"Mary Watson..." the voice in the dark spoke. "Sorry for the way my men treated you. They can be a bit harsh."
"Who are you? What do you want?" Mary cried out and tried to break free from the men's grip around her arms.
"My plans have encountered an obstacle, and I need to eliminate that obstacle. To do so, I need to get through of you first."
"If you've brought me here to hurt me, then what are you waiting for?"
"No, I have no intention to hurt you physically, Mrs. Watson. I've brought you here so that he will understand that he's put you all in danger. That it is his fault for everything that's happened, and everything that's gonna happen," the voice said.

"Leave us alone!" Mary shouted, but the voice just laughed at her.
"If you're wise, you'll take your beloved husband and your dear friend Y/N out of London. I can assure you then that nothing will happened to them. If you chose not to, then I'll continue what I've started."
Mary squinted her eyes to see if she could see the person who spoke in the dark but it was useless.
"What are you gonna do to him?" she asked.
"I'm gonna make him regret coming in my way. I'm gonna make him regret he didn't die that day two years ago. I'm gonna make him regret he the day, he let all of you into his life!" the voice screamed.

"We won't leave him, I can assure you that, you coward!" Mary yelled.
"Do not speak to me like that!"
"That's what you are. Why are you hiding? Letting other people do your dirty work for you?"
"Don't worry, you'll see my work soon enough."

The man in the dark must have left because the next thing that happened was footsteps becoming more distant. The men holding Mary, blindfolded her again and lead her out of the building and into the car again.

The driver stopped where there were no people and one of the men took Mary out, took of the blindfold and untied her hands. Before she could do anything, the man got back in the car and they drove off.


John hugged Mary, and we didn't say anything for a moment.
"How did they look like? Do you remember?" John asked gently.
"One of them had dark brown hair, quite muscular. The other one had blonde hair, a bit more slender and had blue eyes. I managed to claw him when he and the other man came for me."
You turned to look at Sherlock. "Jake Tylor?"
Sherlock nodded in response. He was thinking about what Mary told you, about you three leaving the city. He considered it as well.
"They're coming for us all," Mary sobbed while John stroked her back. We all knew it. It was only me and John left. You got chills through your whole body.

None of you said much later that evening. You just sat curled up in the couch, like waiting for them to come and get you. After agreeing that John and Mary should stay here for the night, you told them they could use your room – aka John's old room. They didn't stay up much longer, because Mary was tired and just wanted to lay down, so John went with her.

Sherlock came over to you and reached you a cup of cocoa, but you shook your head. Nothing temped you. He therefore put it down on the table and sat down next to you. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.
"I'm scared, Sherlock," you said low. He leaned back, took your hand and said, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise."
Without thinking, you leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Sherlock didn't seem to mind. Gently, he took your hand. "I promise," he whispered. 



Sorry for the chapter...

Also I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading, voting and commenting on my story! 

Hope your December has been good so far! 

~ cumberlocked4ever

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