8 - Bring A Smile On My Face

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Sherlock had still not returned and you had given up trying to contact the Holmes brothers. When you woke up you went upstairs to get dressed. You had slept downstairs during the night and therefore you hadn't changed your clothes since yesterday. After you changed, you walked down again to get some breakfast.

"Oh, right. No one has done the shopping. Great," you mumbled as you looked inside the empty fridge. Since there wasn't anything to eat, you had to go to the shop. Therefore, you grabbed your jacket and wallet, and left the flat.
The shop was located in walking distance. In fact, you weren't that hungry so you didn't rush over.

There was a bit of traffic as people were headed off to work. The cold winter air hit your cheeks as a shiver ran down your spine. You pulled your jacket tighter around you and rubbed your hands together, blowing some of your hot breath in them.

"Come and try fresh bowls! Two bowls for free when you buy a warm cocoa!" a man shouted out to the busy people. You stopped and looked at all the bowls lying in front of you, and then Sherlock popped into your head again. You turned and decided to go to the shop as planned.
"Ugh!" a man huffed as you bumped into him. Seems you had a habit of doing that.

"Tony," you said surprised. "Charlotte, hi," Tony said as he saw it was you and gave you a smile that soon dropped. "Oh damn it. I spilt my coffee," he complained. As you looked down you saw the liquid float on the ground. "Argh, never mind. I'll by a new one," he said.
"No, it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going," you explained. "I'm sorry."
"Oh no, don't be sorry. Luckily I didn't spilt it over you," he said and put his hand on your upper arm.

"Sorry," he said as he noticed but you just waved your hand, showing him it was fine.
"To change the subject, where you off to?" Tony asked.
"Just the store, need to get some groceries and breakfast."
Tony looked surprised at you, "You haven't eaten breakfast?"
"Let's just say I forgot to go shopping," you said.
He chuckled and nodded, "alright." "Hey! Why don't I buy you a cocoa? You get two bowls with the purchase," he asked you.
You thought about it for a moment. Maybe it was a good idea. It might get you on other thoughts for a while. "Sure, that would be nice," you told him.

Tony told you some funny stories while you sat with a table and enjoyed your bowls and warm drinks. "Oh no, you didn't," you laughed. "Believe it or not. I was a total idiot back then," he giggled.
"Well, I won't keep you any longer," he said and rose up from the chair after finishing his meal. "No, it was really lovely. You made me think of something happy. Thank you for that," you said but suddenly realized what you had said.
"What so you mean? Is something wrong?" he asked worried.
Great, now you've done it, you thought.

"It's ehm... it's nothing. Really, don't worry," you tried. "It doesn't sound like nothing," he said. It seemed you wasn't gonna get away with it, so you sighed. "A friend of mine left without telling where he was going. He only said that he thought he'd be back last night, but he hasn't returned and I can't contact him. I'm just worried about him," you said, hoping Tony would let it go.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Wherever he is, I'm sure he's alright and will come back soon. His phone probably is out of power," he tried to comfort you. And you gave him a, not so sincere smile in return.

Tony offered you to spend the day with him so you could think of something else. You agreed to it.
"Should we go to the store first since you were headed there?"
You thought for a second. That would mean you had to go to Baker Street after and put the groceries in the kitchen. Since Tony knows who Sherlock are, he must know about his address as well.
"No, I can do that later," you answered. He nodded and then you were off.


"Have you talked to Y/N today?" John asked Mary as they got out of a cab and unlocked the door to their house. "No, I haven't actually. She hasn't made contact since last night," Mary stated. "I'll give her a call right now," she continued.

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