15 - A Storm Is Coming

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"What do you suggest we do, sir?" a man asked.
"They chose to ignore my offer," the voice in the dark said. "We need to make them understand that we keep to our words."


John and Mary stood with open mouths, starring at Sherlock.
"There's three of you? And it was that guy Tony, really?" Mary asked shocked.
"Why have you never mentioned this?" John asked with a loud voice. "And how long exactly has he been to London?"

You and Sherlock sat still in the chairs, waiting for them to finish. You hadn't told them about you and Sherlock yet. It was best to take one thing at the time.
"You're always the unexpected, Sherlock," John mumbled as he calmed down a bit and placed his hands on his waist.
"Where is he now?" Mary asked Sherlock.
"In London," he answered.
"So you don't know where," John said.

Sherlock sighed. "He does as he wants," he said.
"That sounds like a Holmes to me," Mary said and looked at John.
"What's the plan then?" John asked.

"Without knowing where they're hiding, there's little to be done," Sherlock said.
Your phoned beeped and everyone turned to look at you, and you gave them a questioning look back.
"What?" you asked, but picked up your phone. Your eyes winded as you read the text.

"Can you meet me today? I want to talk to you. Meet me at 5thNorthumberland Street at 7pm. If you don't show up, I'll understand.

You kept reading the text repeatedly.
"Well? Who is it from?" John asked curious.
"Ehm... it's just my parents. They're asking how I'm doing," you lied your best and got up from the chair. Sherlock did too.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," you lied but Sherlock came up close and looked you in the eyes, "What?"
You sighed; you could not get yourself to keep lying.

Mary and John looked suspiciously at you.
You showed Sherlock the text.
"No," he said right away.
"Sherlock, maybe I should-"
"No, you're not meeting him," he said.
"Who?" John asked.
"I can talk to him and ask how he can help us," you said and tried to change Sherlock's mind, which you knew, wasn't easy. He looked irritated out in the air.
"No alone," he said. "I'm coming with you."
"I think it's best to do this alone," you told him but that was clearly not an option.
"Who are we talking about?" Mary asked with a high voice to get your attention.
"My brother, Sherrinford," Sherlock answered her without looking at her.

"Maybe Y/N should go," John suggested but Sherlock turned and gave him a serious look, which made him shut up.
"Sherlock," you said low and took his hand. "Let me do this," you practically begged him.
He sighed and thought for a moment.


You put on your coat and walked outside, light snowflakes falling down. Sherlock stood in the doorframe. "Be careful, and come straight back when you're done," he told you.
"Yes, dad," you said in a teasing-irritated way. However, you knew he was worried for you, so you took yourself together. "I will," you said and he leaned down and kissed you. "I'll be watching," he whispered when your lips separated and you started your walk towards Northumberland Street.

There were many people outside so you felt a bit safe, but it would make you more comfortable with Sherlock by your side but you had a feeling Sherrinford wouldn't talk with you if he was coming along.
Sherlock stood by the window in second floor and kept his eyes out on the street.

As you entered the restaurant at 5th Northumberland Street, you were met by Angelo, the owner.
"Y/N! Lovely to see you!" he said and gave you a hug. You first met him when you, Sherlock and John stopped to get something to eat after being out on a case. Since then, you had been there a couple of times with either Sherlock, John or Mary.

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