A Little Happy Canada

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Can people please stop making Canada extremely suicidal and/or self harming? It seems like people generally portray him as that, even though it has literally nothing to do with the plot of Hetalia, their fanfiction, or whatever. 

Because I am particularly annoyed by this. 

I suppose I could see where people are coming from when they do this. I get it. Canada hasn't had the easiest childhood, and has gotten himself in the middle of rough situations, and throughout his life has been generally ignored. Also, people often relate to Canada with his soft nature and overwhelming kindness, and want to give his (already fricking amazing) character more depth. Or give their fanfiction a plot.

But there's not really another reason to do so. 

I know that Canada has had rough years, and I believe he gets sad sometimes about things like being ignored and overshadowed by America. But who doesn't get sad sometimes? Who isn't afraid of the future?

And think of all the happy things in Canada's life. He has a loving (yet totally dysfunctional) family, and he hasn't been in nearly as many wars than, for example, England or China. He has a supporting brother that he's spent plenty of years with, and the few friends this guy has are people he can rely on. 

I'll admit, the guy has problems. But everyone in hetalia does. It's hard to name a country that doesn't have severe tragic experiences. But many have moved past those, and became stronger, better characters because of it. 

Besides, that just doesn't fit his light-hearted personality. He's too kind. He's too hopeful. Yes, he'll be done with the Allies' bull, but not enough to kill himself for it. 

So no, I don't think Canada is suicidal; nor do I think he harms himself in any kind of fashion.

Whether or not you agree with me, Christmas is coming up where I live so in the spirit go do something nice for somebody. Until next time, my friends. 

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