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(A request by hobopopcorn25. This loyal reader wanted to have a headcanon about Vietnam. Let's just see how this goes.)

Well this is bound to be interesting.

Okay! Vietnam, let's just talk about Vietnam for a second, shall we?

Vietnam is considered to be strong and skillful, due to the fact that there are many women in Vietnamese history that fit that description. She is also awkward with the subject of her appearance, and supposedly doesn't like be in, and much less smile in, pictures. I also always thought of her to be down to earth and somewhat stubborn.

Interesting. I least I think so.

Anyway, let's take a look through Vietnamese history, shall we?

207 B.C is the year when the kingdom called Nam-Viet was officially created. This is considered to be the earliest, in lack of a better word, version of Vietnam. Although in Hetalia, kingdoms and such are usually different people, but on occasion that land stays the same person. Let's say Vietnam is this occasion. 

Anyway, jumping forward to 111 B.C, the rulers of China during the Han Dynasty conquered the humble kingdom. For the next 1,000 years, Nam-Viet remained under the Chinese rule. During this time, it's culture became heavily influenced by the Chinese. Focal points of the culture like art, religion, politics, etc. were changed.

Now, during all this, Vietnam lived with China. Although she didn't like her independence being taken away, she adjusted quickly because she honestly liked living there. China was nice to her, and living with these new people was a nice experience. 

(Before, the only person she knew was Indonesia. Early Vietnam roaming tribes mixed with Indonesian people to create the kingdom Nam-Viet over time.)

But, after the about 1,000 year rule over Vietnam, China withdrew from the land that is now North Vietnam, and was at the time called Annam. (Notice how this is her second name so far. Just keep that in mind.)

I feel like that would make Vietnam dislike China. After all this time, China abandoned her. I think that mentality would put a wedge between her and that family.

After that Vietnam spent a lot of time alone, of course sometimes talking to Indonesia. This changed in 1469, when Vietnam met France.

In 1469, a French missionary went to Vietnam to spread Christianity and even made a dictionary for the region. At the time, she never actually spoke to France, but she knew who he was. When her people discovered Christianity, Vietnam began to doubt China's teachings, driving the wedge between them further.

Then, in 1802, Prince Nguyen Anh unites the central, northern and southern parts of his country and names it Vietnam. (Third name...) When this happened, the rulers rebuilt old buildings and bridges, making Vietnam stronger.

By making her stronger, Vietnam began making decisions. Things like main religions and business deals. But she ignored business deals from the French, and Catholic missionaries, specifically from France. Because of hurt pride, France attacked Vietnam in 1847.

The aftermath of this fight wasn't good for Vietnam.  She became a French colony in 1883. (Technically fourth name.) When this happened, France took over all of Vietnam's farms, minerals, etc. France stuffed European customs down her throat and further expanded Christianity. 

Vietnam remembered the last time she was part of another country. She was just thrown away after. So she wasn't as accepting to France as she was to China. She didn't like all these new European customs she was forced to accept, and she wasn't happy being controlled by France.

Then, in 1940, during the World Wars, Japan defeated France and took Vietnam with him. As if adjusting to someone else's home was what she needed. 

Suddenly, in 1941, there's a chance. For her freedom, so she doesn't have to be dragged off somewhere else. This chance Ho Chi Minh, a man who lead the communist government. He organized groups to fight for Vietnam's independence. Honestly, I think Vietnam didn't care about the chances and risks. She just wanted freedom.

When France tries to get Vietnam back in 1946, Vietnam revolts. Ho Chi Minh leads an independence movement against the French. Finally, in 1954, Vietnam fights off France. But now there's a new problem. By adopting Communism, her land was split in two regions, the communists in the North and the republicans in the south. It was the price for her freedom. 

Even when she tried to keep peace, because that's all she really wanted, Vietnam couldn't. It was 1959 when the Vietnam War between the north and south began.  (This technically gives her two more names. Seeing a pattern.) 

Vietnam, because it gave her freedom, sided with the north. The battle was fierce, it was war after all.

But then the Americans came.

Someone else was messing around in Vietnam's business. Not to mention it was some westerner in North America. They were trying to stop the spread of communism. But, Vietnam, like France, fought them off, to the point that even the Americans thought the war was hopeless.

So, finally, after the Americans resigned from the war and the north won, Vietnam had finally won her peace.

Sorry if that took awhile.

But the point is, all this history seems to drag Vietnam down. Always changing families, always getting new customs and such. But also the name changes. I thought that could be important.

So, my theory is that Vietnam doesn't like to be called out by name. Because since she changed it so often before, she feels like that any day it could change, even though that probably won't happen. I want to say that she prefers to be called by her human name, since she doesn't have to change it every time something happens. Unfortunately, she doesn't have an official human name. But I stay by the theory nonetheless.

I also have this theory that she doesn't want to be considered part of a family of any kind, because she feels like they'll just eventually throw her away like before. But, even with those thoughts, she still hangs out with her siblings constantly because whether she likes it or not, she misses them. 

(Thanks for all the votes, comments and support! You guys are awesome!)

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