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 Okay, I've been thinking. 

And I've realized that Italy probably had the best childhood out of all of the countries. I know, I know, he lost his first love, was taken away from his brother and constantly bullied by other countries, but hear me out.

 Italy at least had a first love in his childhood, and he sure made it count if you ask me. He also was in a home where he knew everyone there cared for him, including Austria. Don't lie to me and say he didn't have fun, because you know he did. Especially at the sink with all the bubbles. He was taught responsibility, even if he's forgotten it. Italy was sure that his people were well cared for in the hands of Austria, even if he took them from him. Italy smiled everyday, there was no need for useless struggle and honestly it was a carefree childhood.

Still don't believe me that his was the best? Well, let's look at everyone else's childhoods. 

All france ever did was jack around with England and became a barber for a day.

All Iggy did was try to destroy France, which obviously didn't work. 

Holy Rome didn't even finish his childhood because he died. 

China had to raise himself, which sucks no matter how you think about it.

Russia was constantly being pushed away and abandoned, he wasn't even that close to his sisters. (Although I'd like that they were really, really close before, but I just got to go with the facts.)

Canada traded guardians halfway through childhood, so no wonder he's so messed up about his childhood.

Hungary thought she was a guy. There isn't much else to say.

Alfred's first half of childhood was actually pretty decent, but the second half was ugly.

Germany was raised by Prussia, I think we can all see how that worked out. 

Romano was forced to spend his childhood locked up with someone he 'hated'. But at least Feliciano was happy. 

Belarus spent her childhood trying to get her brother to be her husband.

Rome had to raise himself, and so did Germania.

Do you get my point? (btw Liechtenstein and Seychelles don't count because they're still legally children.) 

 Although Italy went through some pretty messed up stuff as a kid, you can't say he wasn't happy while getting through it all. Although I have to give him points for 'switching' genders. But he took that pretty well.

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