The Ring of Fire

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Okay, I think I've figured this out.

Yay, explanation time.

Okay, The Ring of Fire is the border of the Pacific Tectonic plate, which is unstable since the plates are always moving. Since it's always moving, multiple volcanoes are formed around the border. Those volcanoes are almost always active, and cause lots of damage.

Of course, there are countries on The Ring of Fire. Those countries are America, Japan, The Philippines, Russia, Canada, New Zealand, and Mexico. (There's also Chile and Antarctica. ) And naturally, they're affected by the ring's volcanoes and shifting.

So, I believe that those countries got together and decided to form some sort of alliance. They come together and promise to help each other with damage expenses and such whenever something like a volcano erupts.

Which is probably the coolest thing ever, you know, watching them help each other with the damages. It's freaking adorable.

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