American Idiot

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I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.

Okay, I hope everyone knows that one song by Green Day called American Idiot. If not, it's right above this.

Remember that song, it's important.

So basically this song is insulting-ish the american culture and lifestyle. But of course I can put Hetalia to anything and will if I want to.

So here we go!

Canada, America's much more polite and less popular brother, will forever be tired of him. His idiotic take on the world, his idiot loud voice, his stupid overpowering strength, everything. Yes, he still loves the guy, but he's a turd.

No matter how hard he tried, he can never get that anger out. No one will listen to the shy Canadian, no matter how loud he speaks, and Canada is too scared just to punch the powerful nation in the face. No matter how much he wanted to sometimes.

How can he let people know his anger?

Canada decided to turn to the only thing that would listen. Paper. He wrote down all his anger onto a piece of paper. Eventually, he turned it into a song.

He named the song 'American idiot.'

The next day, Canada was much more calm. He looked his song over,and realized how silly it was for him to be so offensive. So, he threw it away.

Then, one of the Green Day members found that song in the trash. He personally thought it was fan-freaking-tastic, and decided to produce it.

And that was how this song was created.

(( I love Green Day so much. I'm terrified that one day they'll find this somehow and I'll get sued or something...))

Hetalia theories and More!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ