My thoughts on Rome

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Let's just dive right into this, shall we?

 We are first introduced to Rome on the first episode, while Germany was narrating saying he was the greatest civilization that ever lived, and was the first building block to the next era. Which is all true, but then he talks about how he slowly faded away until he one day just 'disappeared.' It is said that this is how nations die, but I'll deal with that in a later chapter. 

So that's when we first meet Rome, and honestly, we don't get to see him very often. But when he does show up, it's clear that he wasn't the same great ruler he once was. He was now just some old drunk flirt with two grandsons. But that got me thinking, an attitude like that wouldn't be able to conquer the whole Mediterranean Sea. So does that mean he's changed over time? Or was it triggered by something tragic?

This could be supported by numerous things, perhaps it was losing his grandsons, or going temporarily mad with power, or maybe even losing his country. All of these are acceptable, but I myself have a different theory.

It is obvious different parts of countries can be represented by different people.  (Lovi and feli for example.) So I think that Rome actually just represented west Rome, and there was an Eastern Rome. At one point, Eastern Rome was considered a official country, though it remained a close ally to the west the whole time. So I came to the conclusion to this; East Rome was Rome's wife.

It makes sense if you think about it. 

So, when East Rome died, Rome suffered a great deal of pain, spiraling into depression. He channeled  his growing pain into bloodshed, claiming more and more land. To the point where war was the main focus point of the economy. Then, when he could do it no more, he collapsed in on himself.

Going back to the East and West Rome thing, that would also be another reason why Romano existed. He was supposed to represent Eastern Rome in the place of Rome's wife if something happened. This can also be an explanation as to why Feli was Rome's favorite. He was supposed to represent West Rome, which is himself. So naturally he would like Feli. 

There is probably going to be a part two on Rome, So, tell me what you think! Vote, comment, do other things that involve me. Until next time, ciao!

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