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Is it just me or does Greece need a ton more screen time? Like dang it Greece get in front of the camera and say something already.

I'm not just saying this because of his looks, either. (Even though that might be a part of it.) I think Greece has an awesome character design. Think about it, he was as close to his mother as a child could possibly be. She was one of the greatest ancient civilizations to ever live. They bonded over centuries, with her teaching him about Gods, life and skills. She showed him the world through her eyes, and it was beautiful. Even for a moment.

But, she dies. Greece has turned to a new age,and left the throne to him. Greece knew that his mother had complete faith in her son. She thought he would do great things with the already thriving country. That was her dying thought.

Now think about how disappointed Greece is with himself for not keeping his mother's country thriving. He must feel terrible.

I want to imagine that Greece was very nervous and insecure about ruling the nation. He always thought she was best at it, and no one can do it better than her. He was so afraid he was going to do something wrong he slipped up, again and again. He knew he would never be as good as his mother, but he was disappointed in himself that he screwed up this badly.

This can also be another reason he constantly digs up his mother's ruins. He wants the example, he wants to try and learn from it. But more than anything he wants guidance. He wants her helping hand, and he thinks that if he tries hard enough, he'll find it in the ashes.

Just let all of that sink in for a second...

Don't forget though he's still a cat obsessed lazy bum. But we still love him.

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