Why I love Hetalia, Part 2

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Because of Hetalia, history will always be  my favorite subject.

I can always outsmart my teachers with the simple question, "When was the Prussian empire dissolved?" (It's 1947, if you were curious.)

My favorite part of Hetalia was when I stopped thinking, "These are nations," and started thinking, "These are people.

I love how Hetalia characters not only represent countries, but also our problems and insecurites. Maybe that's why we fell in love with these people.  Russia proves that everyone has a heart, even if it's hard to see at first.

Austria is our insecurity about ourselves, and the fear of being judged. Remember, his glasses are fake, and the only reason he combs his hair in the wavy hairstyle that he does is so he isn't so bland.

America is our wanting to be something amazing. To help the world in ways no one ever has. But he also is our fear of being judged wrongly, or being misunderstood. 

Canada is the little voice in our head that always has an opinion. That always wants to be heard, to bring attention to the table. But, in fear of how others would react, we lock it away, silence it. Agreeing with everyone else, because being different isn't always a good thing to people.

England, oh England, he is the fear of what would become of us if we lost it all. Our brothers, our family, respect, our social status, everything. We would become something bitter, something that people would turn their back on. Even though we try to get it back, but in vain. Oh God how we try.

Romano is how we feel when we are overshadowed by our loved ones. Nay it be our siblings, or friends, or rivals. He's the feeling of uselessness, and is afraid that he'll always be the one being out shined. That he'll never be loved as much.

Prussia, I think you know what I'm going to say. He is the fear of us never doing anything important,  and disappearing without anyone remembering our names.

Italy is the proof that people have, and hide, pain. That everyone is scared, even if they don't show it. Everyone has scars.

But, what he also is is our fear of being remembered as a fool, a nuisance. To never be anything more than the annoying freeloader.

Seychelles is us trying to be strong. Trying to be independent. But realizing that you'll always need someone to take care of you.

Switzerland and Austria reminds us that not every friendship goes on forever. At one point or another, someone will probably move on.

We love these people because we see ourselves in them. Our stories. That's why we feel so close to them, why they're so relateable.

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