What his smile means

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Italy smiles more than most people I know. He smiles when he's laughing, or lying, or playing with his allies, or cooking, or dreaming, or napping, or just simply standing there. Every single country has sen Italy smile, more than once.

 I think he smiles for a lot of reasons. He smiles day to day because he thinks it's fun, and it makes others smile. 

He smiles whenever he's with or thinks about his family and friends, even Austria and Prussia.

 But I really think the reson he smiles the most, is because it reminds him of his strength. Just think about what people must say to this guy's face.

You're so useless sometimes.

Why can't you be serious for once?

You are the first desendant of Rome, act like it!

This is why you lost the war.

You were supposed to be something great.

You could do better, but you choose not to. 

You couldn't even protect your Prussian friend from being dissolved.

I'm suprised your allies stayed this long.

What did Holy Rome even see in you?

I know they say these things to Italy .Because that's what they think, and people tend to speak their minds.

 But notice how Italy still smiles everyday. Those aren't fake. Those smiles come from the heart, and they're true. He smiles because it makes other's smile. Because it makes others happy. After ww2, Germany was covered in scars crying, heartbroken, unloved. You know what Italy did? He laughed. He straight up laughed and danced in his bandages, in his war outfit, around his allies, and hugged the Catholic out of germany with tears in his eyes. He smiled that day because he knew it would make the others stronger, if not him.  he brings them up, and everyone is secretly thankful for it.

 He loves sharing strength, which is why he smiles the most around Germany, who makes him smile the most.

 Italy has unwavering strength that is a shield around his shattered heart. His smile is his sword, and damn right he can win wars with weapons like those.

Wars that he fights with himself.

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