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Oh hey look at that, another state chapter. Huh.

Don't judge me.

Anywho, as you guessed, this chapter is dedicated to one of the more recent states, Hawaii.

In all honesty, I think we've all assumed that Hawaii is a girl. I think that she has dark, thick hair that runs a little past her shoulders. And she has tan skin, and wears long, flowing and loose dresses of any bright and cheerful color. I can't give you a specific age, but for some reason I think of her as small, or young. Maybe like, twelve or fourteen? Somewhere around there.

But enough about that. Time for your daily history class.

Originally, Hawaii in fact was it's own country. It's thick and wild forests, fertile land, and exotic animals made it a nice, humble kingdom.

That is, until European and American figures overthrew the Kingdom by 1893. The world wanted Hawaii for the perfect conditions for farming, along with multiple smaller reasons.

America was the first to get to the islands, though. American troops stormed the streets of Honolulu, the capital. The queen and Hawaii were afraid, very afraid. Before, Hawaii was very sheltered from the world, with the Europeans and others not really caring about the humble natives. But suddenly all they want is them. The American troops did nothing major, they simply scared the people. The Hawaiians didn't have much of an army since they've done what they could to fight of the Europeans and Americans. But that just wasn't enough. They just seemed to come on waves, waves of pale skinned terror.

So, with the Americans quickly approaching, the ruler of Hawaii at the time knew there was no way to hold against America. There wasn't any need for her people's blood to be spilled anymore. The ruler did the only thing she could.

She surrendered.

She surrendered her kingdom to America, stepping down from rule. Her kingdom mourned and whined, wanting their freedom back. But, America gladly took the bundle of islands, turning it into territory and officially making it a state on August 21, 1959.

Alfred was awfully excited to get another state, ready to welcome her with open arms. He loves meeting them and learning about each of them, and he wanted another face to see. He made sure that the other states were ready for her, too. They were all excited.

But, from the very beginning, Hawaii was very sour toward America. He disrupted her peaceful life, he killed her people, he took her away from what she's ever known. She avoided Alfred at all costs, and most of the other states. In fact, she mostly avoided Europe all together. Luckily for her though, Alfred allowed her to stay in Hawaii, so she stubbornly stayed there.

Alfred did everything he could to get Hawaii to stop being so sour, but nothing worked. After awhile, he just stopped trying. Whenever Hawaii noticed Alfred and he noticed her, a wave of regret and disappointment washed over him.

But that changed in WW2. 

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the poor girl collapsed in a heap of blood. Most of that time was hazy to Hawaii, but the one thing she remembered clearly was the utter rage that was radiating off of Alfred when he saw her. 

She was really touched when she heard that Alfred entered the war because she got hurt. Just because of a stubborn, troubling girl got scratched up, he risked his whole country. Hawaii realized that maybe, just maybe, he didn't just want her for land or money or export, but maybe something a little more deep than that.

So, when Alfred came home from winning the war, he saw Hawaii in his house. It was a pleasant surprise for him, and he welcomed her in with open arms. Since then, they became very close, with America being a sort of a fatherly figure for Hawaii. She taught him all kinds of things, like Hawaii tradition, and how to play the ukulele.

But Hawaii could never forget how she lost her freedom to the land of the free.

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