Cold, Beautiful Alaska

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Whoa another state thingy.

Why do I keep writing these?

I suppose it doesn't really matter, you guys seem to like it.

Anywho, let's get on to it!

Alaska I think would be a male. He would be tall, very tall, and with a bulky frame. He would have dark brown hair and a natural blush. He had eyes like ice, representing the icy tundra's in his state.

He would be a generally awkward person, but still fun to be around. He's obsessed with astrology and anything to do with the stars and sky.

And it's that time again folks, time for history!

Originally, Alaska was not very known to explorers . It was very cold there, and nothing seemed useful, so they generally left it alone. It wasn't until Peter the Great dies and Empress Catherine becomes the head of Russia when anyone really explores Alaska and it's islands. Russia then started to stake claims on small islands and pieces of land in Alaska. Other countries got suspicious of Russia, like Spain, France and Britain, (To no freaking surprise that it's those three...) so those countries started exploring the tundra. Spain was afraid of losing it's grasp on the new world, considering that it conquered most of North America, so it decided to settle in there as well, along with the Russians and British. They left small traces of ancestry, but most is Russian.

When all this conquering and settling was happening, poor, innocent Alaska had to hide himself from all the scary men. He often hid behind rocks for days at a time, waiting for them to go away. He was very young back then, but he can still remember how scary it was.

Further down the road, Alaska began to industrialize, making it somewhat more useful. Mostly it was used for wood and fish before, but the Russians soon discovered oil and small amounts of gold, turning Alaska into small factories surrounded by trees and mountains. There was also a major fur trade going on between the Russians, who owned most of the land, and Britain. Who at the time was in very high demand in furs.

Because of the industrialization, Alaska grew rapidly, and it got harder and harder for him to hide. One day, Russia found him and took him home, much to the disappointment of Alaska.

Russia usually let Alaska stay in his home though, since it wasn't far away. He was sad to see his land turn into churches and towns instead of the landscape it once was. But on the bright side, whenever France came and tried to get into the fur trade and land trade, he would bring along young Canada. The two would often play together, and both had many happy memories together.

That is, until Russia officially made the Alaska-Canada border, and closed off most international sea ways in fear of losing the territory. Because of that invisible line, Alaska could no longer see his friend Canada, and he was once again alone in his big, lonely place. The place he called home.

because of many financial troubles in Alaska for Russia and America, Ivan constantly called Alaska useless, and worthless. Just a piece of ice and rock. Ivan needed more money from the land so it can support itself. But, what little was there was either gone or not found.

So in 1867 Russia sold America Alaska. Alaska moved in with Alfred. Although he had to temporarily move away from his land, he was glad to be away from the terrifying Russian.

He was also happy to meet some new people. He never really had any friends, other than Canada long ago. Even Russia's family he stayed away from. Which is probably why he's so awkward around people. So when he heard that he was going to live with America, the man with many states, he was excited.

But, it isn't that simple. As you might know, most people didn't like America buying Alaska. They thought it was a waste of money. That's what the other states thought of poor Alaska. They thought he was a waste, and a silly investment. None of the other states would really give him any attention, or even talk to him. Since he lived a very sheltered life so far, he instantly assumed it was his fault that everyone hated him. Alaska left the other states and America alone, usually just locking himself in his room. Even if Alfred wanted him to come out, Alaska didn't want to bother anyone.

After months and months in his room, coming out only to eat and other things. Finally, he decided that he's had enough. He's doing nothing to contribute to America yet, and there's no sign to him doing so. He was a nuisance, useless. Just like Russia said. He wanted to leave.

And that's what he did.

Well, almost. Before he left, he spent all of his time making golden bracelets for the other states and America. It was his way of saying, 'I'm sorry I couldn't do more.'

He left one in everyone's room, and then ran out the door.

Meanwhile, the states and America saw the golden bracelets, and were touched. That same week, it was discovered that there was major pots of gold and oil in Alaska. He wasn't so useless after all.

Alaska went to Canada's place to stay. Canada gladly took him in, seeing the current mental state he was in. Canada later called America to ask what was wrong with him. Once America heard Alaska was in Canada, he gathered all the states and made a mad dash to his house.

When they got there, the U.S.A burst into the house, (more like kicked down the door of Canada's house) And rushed up to see Alaska.

They went in his guest room, (once again breaking a door) to see him. All of them had their golden bracelets on. They rushed to the large state, crying apologies and squeezing the life out of him. They didn't want him to go. He was part of their family.

Ever since, he was considered a special state. 'The Last Frontier' was what they called him. The other states made sure everyday he was comfortable in Alfred's house. They made sure he was loved.

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