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So, small story, but I was reading this Hetalia fanfiction AU thing and I came across one sentence talking about a girl named Katyusha. Innocent, right? I didn't know who that was, so I looked it up. Apparently, that's the headcannon name for Ukraine. I went along with it for the time being, but I couldn't shake the feeling I heard that name from somewhere else. Until I realized; Katyusha is the name of a Russian war song from WW2.

Here's the lyrics. (since I doubt any of you speak Russian. :) )

"Apple trees, and pear trees were a flower,

River mist, was rising all around.

Young Katyusha went strolling by the hour,

on the steep banks,

O'er the rocky ground.

By the river banks she sang a love song,

of her hero, in distant land.

Of the one she dearly loved for so long,

holding tight, his letters in her hand.

Oh, my song, song of a maiden's true love.

To my dear one who travels with the sun.

To the one with whom Katyusha knew love,

bring my greetings to him one by one.

Let him know, that I am true and faithful,

let him him hear, the love song that I send.

Tell him as he defends our home that grateful,

true Katyusha our love will defend."

(Lyrics not mine, goes to respective owner.)

So that kind of freaked me out. But let's break this down, shall we?

It says that Katyusha waits in Russia for her hero to come, which is in the war fighting the axis, right?

If Ukraine is Katyusha, then I would have to assume that this hero is Russia. So, Ukraine is waiting in Russia for Ivan to come home from the war. She would sing Belarus songs of Russia and his soldiers whenever they missed their big brother, which would explain that verse.

(I have a sneaky suspicion that Ukraine would stay in Russia's when he was gone because she missed him so much.)

Also, Russia and Ukraine would send letters back and forth from the battlefield. The Soviet sisters would wait in the fields by Russia's house, awaiting his letters from across Europe. They would take care of his land, his people and his home.

At least that's what I think.

(I was actually thinking of holding this off for tomorrow but whatever.)

Also, I highly suggest that you guys actually listen to the song. In English, so you know what they're saying. (Or whatever you speak, they're plenty of versions!)

(I wonder how long someone waited for someone else to get her name reference... also why do I know Russian WW2 songs...?)

Anywho, vote and comment and stuff!

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