Wise Men Say...

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This is a crazy long chapter, just saying.

Like 6172 words long...


I take a deep breath, before stepping into the extravagant lobby. I can't imagine missing this when we checked in.  The chandelier reflected light into almost every corner, and the red and green everywhere was a tad tacky. The couches were definitely velvety, and though there weren't a lot of people, Robyn's mother could have easily held the red carpet part of their thanksgiving event in here. It was so gracefully built, the high ceiling taking my breath away, and the stained glass in the skylight made me want to get a ladder, to inspect them. I couldn't stop staring at the paintings that seemed to stare right back at me.

When Robyn said he wouldn't go overboard on the hotel he booked, he lied.

I don't have to search too hard to find my friends who are laughing at something Gabe said. They all sit on two huge couches, and some on the the floor completely comfortable with being the loudest people in the room. Apparently jet lag only followed me, because everyone looks like they're it on another time zone. Ash is especially perky, and David has that weird lovesick smile he gets when Sammie opens his mouth. Kylie and Carter are being cute and making each other giggle like teenagers.

Why are couples so cute, it's unfair.

I sit down next to Robyn, trying to slip in quietly but soon fail when Robyn leans down to plant a peck on my cheek. It's was just as silent as me entering the room, but everyone turned to look at me.

"So are you guys going out?"  Sammie scrutinizes me like I've broken out in hives.

"Yes ?" I look up at him for help, but he doesn't. He wraps an arm around me instead and beams.

So yes?

"I mean yeah, but not officially.... I mean, it's complicated." I stammer out.

Cue awkward silence, I avoid all eye contact for the rest of eternity.

"On another note, my brother said he was on his way, and will probably be here around 11:00, so until then we could go sightsee, maybe get a bite to eat." Robyn suggests.

I mentally that him for saving me from death by eye contact.  Everyone murmurs in agreement, so we all get up and start heading toward the exit. I look up at Robyn and tap his shoulder. He turns out o me his green eyes piercing mine.

"I need to go back to my room to get some paper and some pencils. Can tell them to wait up?" I ask. He nods without a word, and I book it to the elevator, and impatiently tap my foot as the elevator takes its time to stop and pick people up. I dash into my room after searching myself for my key. I grab my messenger bag that I pack for occasions like this, hoping to use it more just a few times. After rushing out of my room and in the elevator, I come out of the stuffy box to see Robyn sitting on a couch, lounging.

He looks like a model.

Did I mention glasses and disheveled hair are a turn on?

Because they are.

His eyes flick to mine and his eyes send a rush adrenaline down my spine. I flinch a little at the rush of goosebumps that spread across my arms and legs when he gets up and strides toward me. I just realized that his hoodie is the one that he told me to keep, and the jeans he wears are almost darker than his eyes right now. His face breaks into a smirk, and he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up before I can.

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