She's Only 17

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"I don't think that's an option," Sammie says as I plead again again for her to stop.

"I think I would have had some symptoms by now if I had an STD." I huff.

"You know not all STD's have symptoms, right?"

"Whatever," She drags me into Planned Parenthood, and I groan slightly, as she pulls me down into a chair, before talking to the receptionist.

I look around at the other people in the waiting room. There are responsible looking couples, as well as awkward teenagers with their parent, fiddling with their phones while their parents read pamphlets.

When Sammie comes back, she is beaming. "She said she can get you a check -up in the next few minutes."

"Awesome," Sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"Look, you need to do this. If you have something--"

"Which I don't" I cut in.

"We need to catch it early. You've already taken your HPV shots, so that rules out one. You said he used a condom, but--"

"Sammie, if he used a condom, I think that rules out out a lot."

"Condoms break,"

"But his didn't." I huff.

"Noelle, If you're not doing it for your health, do it for me. It freaks me out to not know whether or not you have a disease."

I look down. I know she cares but... I don't want to be coddled anymore. I want some space to do things on my own.

"That's fine Noelle, I wasn't planning on going in with you anyway." She says, but she obviously was.

"If you get tested, then I will...And I won't give the doctor any trouble." I say, though I don't know why I'm promising the last part, since he might be the one making me squirm.

I hope I get a woman instead.

"Fine, if that's what it takes." She smiles a tiny little grin, like the sacrifice isn't one at all.

"And you have to take a pregnancy test too." I ad quickly. "And I'm going with you."


"Don't think I haven't noticed the extra pounds on you," I poke her stomach.

"Noelle! Other people might hear you." She look like she's swallowing her anger.

I hope she took her pills today.

"So? They'll congratulate you when the test come back positive." I smirk.

She shakes her head, but I can tell I hit a sore spot.

"Look, you don't need to be afraid. And I'm sorry for teasing you about it. I'm sure you'll be a great mom to your twins."

"Noelle, we don't even know if I'm pregnant. And that's scary."

"Because for once you're not in control?" I hug her lightly.

"Yeah. And also, how am I supposed to raise them? I'm going to be owning a business soon."

"Wait what?" I pull away to look at her. "What's mom going to do?"

"She wants to focus on dad, he's being discharged in about a week."

How did I not know this.

"Don't get that look. You're coping with the thing with Alejandro." She said.

I'm not in that place anymore. I can confront him now.

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