The Big Day part 1

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I hate this, I think as Tyler and I wait behind the curtain, listening to the chatter of the audience. I just want to get this over with.

"Is it just me, or is the first time I've seen you nervous?" He smirks at me.

"Shut up, you can't blame me when I know that I won't execute the end very well." I snap.

"Woah woah. Look," His blue eyes capture mine in an icy gaze. "You are one of the best. I have worked with the best in New York, I have never seen anyone as hard-working, diehard, and talented as you. They have nothing on you. Pull your shit together, because you're amazing, you'll look amazing, and everyone will agree with me when I say--" My eyes dart to the left, and everything in me relaxes, as I meet his green eyes.

"You're going to be killer out there," Robyn muses.

"I know." I smirk.

"Didn't look like it." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Well I do now that you're here." I mumble as his apple scent devours me.

I'm basically melting, what is wrong with me.

"Can't wait to see you dance. Fabi's always bragging on you, but I'm excited to see it for myself." He's grinning.

"Can't wait to get this over with, it's stressing me out. You know how my muscles gave up on me the other day? Well, now I won't need their help to not dance, I'm not at my best right now," I mumble.

"Noelle, you are going to amaze me, like always. Like you do everyday. You will perform great because you are great, " he holds my face. "You know how I know that? Because you are the most passionate person I have ever met, and I can tell this is important to you. You never flake out on things you love." He smiles.

My mind flits to the other night, when I had told I'd never flake out on him.

Not going to deny, I love him.

Actually I've been denying it for about three months, but whatever.

"I-uh. Hmm." I can't seem to form words with his face so close to me.

Yeah, I'm screwed. I'm losing for focus, and I'm not sure if I can get it back.

Of I want it back.

"You alright?" He chuckles.

"Mhmm," I nod, surprising myself.

"Good, I want your eyes open when I throw flowers at your feet." He winks, and then he's off, his scent lingering in the air only for a second, and then Tyler's in my face.

"Why is it that you never listen to me but you listen to everyone else." He says shaking his head.

"Because you're so predictable, so I already know what your going to say. " I shrug.

"Well, I hope you're ready, we go on in about five minutes. You've already stretched?" He asks.


"And your makeup seems okay. Alright, do you want me to get you some water?" He asks. "You look pretty pale."

"I'm Italian." I roll my eyes.

"Your a tanned Italian." He shakes his head, smiling as he walks off to get some water.

I sit down and try to clear my head by stretching.

A small squeal fills the room, and I roll my eyes though I smile.

Terra, Ash, Kylie, and Sammie come in, grinning like bimbos. "Noelle, I haven't seen you in a month, and when I do you look at me like I've grown another head." Kylie at tacks me in a hug.

"Sorry, I was just surprised." I say, laughing and hugging her back.

"You haven't forgotten the cake tasting this Friday, right?" She eyes me.

"No, of course not," I mentally thank her for reminding me.

"Good," she nods, and then Sammie attacks me in a hug.

"This is the first time I've actually seen you stressed for performance. Is it because Robyn's here?" She murmurs in my ear.

"No, it's because I'm positive I won't do as well as I want to," I huff.

"Well we just wanted to stop by, see how you were doing. We saw Robyn coming from here, so I'm guessing that you're doing well." She winks at me.

"Shut up." I swat at her. "And at least he was reassuring me, you guys are psyching me out." I posit out.

Tyler rushes in, a bottle of water in his hand, his hair slicked back with a tiny hair poking out of place. "We go on, like now, so you --oh hi ladies." Blush starts creeping into his cheeks. "If you're going to see Noelle, you might want to go get your seats now." He smiles.

"Make us proud Boss," Terra sings as they exit.

"Your friends are loud," Tyler says.

I take a breath. "You want to stretch a bit more before they call us up?"

"Um yeah,--" he's cut off by a deep voice that announces our names and the name of the song we're dancing to.

"Crap," I mutter.

"Hey, calm down, you'll be great, and that's what matters." He says before we get into the opening set. I take a deep breath, before raising my arms for my opening set.

Here goes everything.


I'm aware that I'm behind schedule on the chapters, don't hate me please.

I don't really have an excuse, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys,

Anyway this is the first part of the chapter,

Keep your eye out for the second part


So yay!

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