Chapter 6: Capture Percy Jackson.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson and Avengers characters.


"We wish not to fight you." Thor told Percy.

"Really? Because Blackjack begs to differ."

Thor shifted awkwardly. "Yes, my apologies for your horse."

"Pegasus. Now, who are you? And where's Annabeth?" Percy asked, getting annoyed of these people.

"The girl? She is safe. We needed her out of way."

Percy sighed. At least he knows Annabeth is safe.

"Well, I don't really want to talk to you. I need to find Annabeth and get Blackjack back to camp."

Percy really wanted to leave. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was scared for himself. What the metal man's blast did to Blackjack's wing was frightening. Who knows what this guy could do.

"Let us bring you to our base, we should speak there." Thor suggested.

"I don't want to go to your base. And what do you mean by 'us'? Is the metal man with you?" Percy heard something move in the trees.

He scanned the area. He could see shadows of people through the branches.

"How many of you are there?" Percy questioned. He hoped he wouldn't be to out numbered.

Percy remembered the feeling of dread he had before he entered camp. Could this have something to do with it? If it did, he needed to leave. Now.

Perseus turned and fled. He ran as fast he could, hoping he could somehow out run them.

Thor thought quickly though, he threw his hammer at Percy before he could run to far.

Percy dove to the right to avoid being hit by the tool. Percy looked to where he was standing before. A crater the size of a school bus had formed, with the hammer in the middle of it. Percy gulped. That was to close.


The Avengers watched from their spots in their trees, as the teenage boy walks up to Thor's hammer.

"You can not carry it, boy. It's a hammer only one who is worthy could pick up." Thor laughed.

Perseus ignored the god. He bent down and grasped the handle in his hand. He looked up at Thor and picked up the hammer like it was nothing.

Thor blinked, completely shocked. Percy threw the hammer back at Thor, who was to stunned to move out of the way. The hammer and Thor flew through the trees in the forest, causing disaster on the way.

Captain America saw to much. He looked up at the other Avengers.

"Forget about the plans. It won't work on him. Right now just do whatever means necessary to capture him."

Captain America threw his shield at Percy and jumped of the tree. The shield hit Percy and knocked him off his feet, however only giving him a small nose bleed. The shield flew back into Captain America's arm. Agent Romanoff, Iron man, and The Hulk came out from the trees as well. Agent Barton stayed behind the trees, arrows ready.

Percy got back to his feet. He looked around and saw that it was 4 to 1. He really did not want to be here right now. Nonetheless he grabbed riptide from off the floor and prepared himself as well.

All at once Agent Barton shot 5 arrows, Iron man shot a blast, Captain America threw his shield, Thor had returned and summoned lighting at him, and The Hulk punched the floor so it cracked under Percy's feet.

Percy saw things in slow motion. His instincts kicked in gear and he used Riptide to block the arrows. He jumped on top of Captain's shield to avoid the lightning, then ducked so Iron man's blast would miss him. He jumped off the shield, onto ground that wasn't braking. All in a matter of seconds. Percy stood there, out of breath. Surprised at himself for blocking all that.

The Avengers were shocked. They stood there for a moment, surprised.

Their moment didn't last long when Percy grabbed the shield off the floor and threw it with all of his might at Agent Barton, who couldn't avoid it and flew off the tree.

Agent Romanoff charged at him. Throwing punches and kicks. Percy managed to dodge and punch back. Unfortunately, Natasha couldn't block one of Percy's punches. She flew back twenty feet.

It was The Hulk's turn now. The green monster charged in, aiming to punch the kid out.

Percy dived to the right to avoid The Hulk's punch. Hawkeye shot a couple arrows at Percy, while he was distracted.

Percy noticed the arrows last minute and managed to dodge a couple. Unfortunately one hit his thigh.

Percy called out in pain. He couldn't keep this up any longer. Percy needed to find a way out.

Percy pulled the arrow out of his thigh. His leg was dripping blood now.

"You can end this now, Perseus! Just surrender, we do not want this!" Thor called out.

"That's kind of hard to believe considering you're attacking me. How do you know who I am?" Percy asked.

"I do feel bad for attacking him, he is just a kid." Captain America said.

"Doesn't matter, this kid avoided all of our attacks. And besides, Boss's orders." Agent Romanoff answered.

Percy was getting tired. His wound was deep and he was loosing blood.

Thor summoned lighting and aimed it at Percy. Percy didn't move in time and it shocked him, knocking him to the ground.

Percy's vision blacked for a moment, but returned to normal. His clothes were charred and his chest felt like it was on fire. Surrounding him, were The Avengers.

The last thing Percy saw was the metal man's hand light up. Then his vision went dark.


Author's note: I'm sorry if you hated this chapter. Leave a comment on your opinion and where you want this story to go(:

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang