Chapter 10: Loki wins?

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Percy Jackson or Avengers characters.


"Wouldn't you like to know?" Loki smirked. "I wish I could take you all out right now. Sadly, I am not here for you peasants. I come for the boy." Loki informs the Avengers.

"Why do they always come after me?" Percy asks himself, sighing. He lifts up riptide into fighting position.

"Aw, you want him?" Iron man asked Loki in a baby voice. "Well to bad! We got him first."

Loki laughed before thrusting his staff and shooting another blast towards Iron man. Iron man easily flew out of the way.

"Is that all you've got?" Stark shouted as he began to dive towards Loki.

Iron man planned to dive, grab Loki, and throw him somewhere far. But before Iron man could touch Loki, he just disappeared. Iron man stopped mid-air, confused.

Loki's laugh echoed, coming from nowhere. "Aw, is the Metal Man confused? Well, maybe my little friend could help you with that."

Just then a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man came and jabbed his one horn into Iron mans suit.

Iron man yelled out in pain and tried his best to pry himself away from the monster. The monster picked up its head and thrashed it, so Iron man would fly right off.

Iron man fell right in front of Percy, who helped him up.

"Thanks kid, what is that thing?" Iron man asked.

"The Minotaur. One of those dangerous monsters out there. I defeated it once when I was twelve and once when I was sixteen. But it never seems to get enough of me, you know?" Percy answered.

"If you defeated it, why is it still here?" Captain America question.

Percy sighed. "Again, there's not enough time to answer these complicated questions. I'll take the Minotaur." Percy said as he ran towards the fury monster.

The monster seemed to be sniffing the air, looking for something. It's back was turned from Percy.

"Hey, big guy! How's the one horn holding up?" Percy asked.

The Minotaur let out a growl and turned towards Percy's voice. The Minotaur stuck out his horn and charged at Percy. Just like the first time he fought, he ran until the absolute last second, then he dived towards the left.

While the Minotaur sniffed the air in confusion. Percy ran up and jumped onto the Minotaurs shoulders.

The Minotaur squirmed and fought, trying to throw Percy off. Percy questioned why he did this again, he felt like his head was going to fall off.

It was hard, but Percy managed to raise his sword through all the bouncing he was going through. Right before he could thrash his sword, The Minotaur threw Percy off making him fly into Hawkeye.

Hawkeye and Percy tumbled on the ground for a moment, before Hawkeye put out his foot and topped them both.

"Woah kid, that was some throw there." Hawkeye said as he helped Percy back on his feet.

Percy looked at Hawkeyes bow. His arrows couldn't kill the monster, but Percy's sword could.

Percy looked for his sword, which had been tossed somewhere. Percy found the sword, unfortunately it was right by the Minotaur.

Percy ran, and all of his instincts kicked in. The Minotaur turned around, smelling Percy. Before the Minotaur could Punch Percy, he slid on his knees and ducked in between the monsters legs. Grabbing his sword on the way.

"Hawkeye, catch!" Percy yelled as he threw riptide all the way to Hawkeye. Thank the gods he had good instincts and grabbed the sword before it could kill him. Hawkeye caught on fast and drew his bow. Instead of pulling an arrow, Hawkeye put the sword in.

The Minotaur however, was quick too. For he had turned and ran towards Barton. Percy, out of instinct of course, ran and jumped on the monsters back again.

Percy held back the monster as much as he could. Though it was hard to do when you were being bounced and tossed everywhere. Percy kept his grip, nonetheless.

"You might want to shoot him now!" Percy yelled, teeth clenched.

Hawkeye understood, and let go of the sword. In a second Percy was no longer piggy back riding the Minotaur, but instead lay face first in a pile of ash.

Percy got back to his feet and spit the dust out of his mouth and grabbed riptide.

"Thanks Hawkeye!" Percy said. Hawkeye nodded in return.

Perseus turned so that he could help the test of The Avengers out. But when he did, The Avengers had all ready got him. Loki was sitting on the ground, his hands up in surrender, with the team around him.

Loki looked at The Avengers, nervous.

But after a moment he turned to Percy and looked at him creepily.

Just then the Loki inside the Avengers circle had faded away.

"How is that possible?" Percy asked himself.

At that moment however, Loki's staff had hit Percy in his back. It went right through him.

Percy was so shocked he couldn't feel anything. Everything was sort of like a dream to him at the moment.

He saw all of the team run towards him. But before anyone could reach him, the world started to go black, and the floor was quick to meet him.


Author's note: okay I'm soooooooo sorry I promised this chapter yesterday but I've had guests over since 7:30 in the morning yesterday and their still at my house right now. I hadn't found the time to write this chapter as long as I wanted to! I'm not going to promise anything but I'm going to write a long chapter tomorrow(; Thank you for reason my story! Leave a comment please(:

Happy Fourth of July<3

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