Chapter 3: The meeting.

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Percy Jackson Series or from the Avengers.


Percy sat with Annabeth on the beach. The sun was setting and the water looked beautiful. They sat there together, enjoying each others presence.

Percy would've enjoyed this moment more, had he not had this feeling that something was going to happen.

Whatever it was, Perseus wanted nothing nothing to do with it. After falling into Tartarus with Annabeth and defeating Gaea, he just wanted a brake.

He also couldn't leave the fact that he thinks Grover is in trouble. He wasn't at camp when he came, and he hasn't contacted anyone in a while. Percy had tried the Empathy Link, but Grover wouldn't answer.

Annabeth began to talk about how her year had gone. How nothing bad happened at all. No monster attacks, no blowing up schools. Which seemed kind of odd to Percy. Usually you get at least one monster attack.

However their conversation was interrupted when Chiron came galloping on to the beach. Out of respect, Annabeth and I stood up.

"Percy, Annabeth. I hate to ask of this from you, but I have no one else to come to. I need you to go on a quest."

Annabeth and Percy glanced at each other, obviously neither one of them wanted to go. But you just could not say no to Chiron.

Nonetheless Percy and Annabeth agreed to do it, and Chiron began to give them the details.

"There has been some trouble in New York City. I fear that it may be a demigod causing this trouble. I need you guys to go and see who is causing the disaster. If they are demigod, I want you to bring them back here. If they are monster, well, you know what to do."

Chiron didn't say what the disaster was. But he looked awfully worried about it.


"Where is Stark?" Director Fury asks impatiently.

"I told him the meeting started at two, he should be here." Natasha answered.

Just then someone threw open the doors.

"Sorry I'm late." Mr.Stark took his seat next to Thor.

"Glad you can make it." Director Fury muttered. "Well I hope you all did your research. Because I want you to find and detain him."

"If I may, Why are you after a teenager? I mean, he is just a kid." Bruce asked.

"This kid, is probably stronger then you Bruce. When he was twelve he was involved in multiple incidents. Some in which included guns and blown up buses. He has been kicked out of several schools, most of the which he has been to have ended up in fires. There is a lot about this boy we don't know, but there is one thing we do know. We want him in the Avengers."


Author's note: Let me know what you think(:

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